Bizarre M6 wide load 'like giant haggis' leaves drivers baffled on morning commute

The mysterious load on the M6
The mysterious load on the M6 -Credit:Tib Palk

Motorists have been left scratching their heads as they ponder over a bizarre load spotted on the M6 southbound this morning (May 7).

Posted by a passenger on the motorway, people have been left bewildered over the mysterious load - a black cylindrical-shape with tyres chained around the outside. Something you don't often see on a major motorway.

Wanting to know exactly what they'd seen on the road, Tib Palk wrote: "Hello group, what do we think this is then?? Spotted on everyone’s favourite M6 southbound. Thanks in advance."


As many people tried to solve the mystery, there has been a number of different guesses to what the bizarre load may be. On person suggested: "Giant haggis." Others suggested it might be a solution to some road problems a lot of the country have been having.

Craig Laurie commented: "Something to fill the pot hole in at the end of our road?" Hayley Jane Keating said: "New Road surfacing."

The structure has tyres and chains in a cylinder-shape
The structure has tyres and chains in a cylinder-shape -Credit:Tib Palk

Julie Clarke had a more supernatural train of thought, writing: "I thought it was something from DOCTOR WHO!" Fred Gittins didn't seem to be quite sure about the name of it and joked: "It’s a Thingymebob for a whatsicallit."

Mark Astbury took the addition of the tyres a bit more literally, commenting: "Spare wheel carrier!" Natasha Osbaldeston was clearly peckish, writing: "Looks like a giant black pudding."

Thankfully, it seems the mystery had finally been solved. Adam Metcalfe says: "It's a fender for large shipping vessels. Stops the rubbing or bashing into the port/Quay."

Nick Cheesman further explained: "…also used for mooring submarines to quaysides. Due to shape of a submarine, the majority of which is under water, they require large ‘squishy’ fenders."