The Black Hamptons: Carolyn and Moses Britton Go to War in the Season 2 Premiere — Grade It!

There was no love lost between Carolyn and her husband Moses in The Black Hamptons’ double-episode Season 2 premiere, which dropped Thursday on BET+.

With Moses set for release from prison, Carolyn hired Christopher (played by Blue Kimble), an attorney and well-connected fixer to keep her spouse behind bars. However, later scenes in the first hour revealed that Carolyn and Christopher’s relationship went beyond attorney and client.

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Episode 2 illustrated how far Christopher went to ensure that Moses remained in jail. He made significant bribes to have the Britton family patriarch’s case delayed and even planted the idea for the judge assigned the case to take a lengthy vacation.

Carolyn and Christopher were confident they had the upper hand, but that might change now that we know Kimberly has been secretly recording their meetings in her office. Moses spoke of a “secret weapon” during a chat with Jeffrey, and Kimberly dropped in to acknowledge him as her father. Simply put, his wife has no idea what’s coming.

The Black Hamptons
The Black Hamptons

Elsewhere, Vanessa and Anthony had been acting way too cozy for Sydney’s liking, leading Sydney to confront Vanessa and demand that she stay away from her husband. Given Vanessa’s less than stellar reputation — she previously had an affair with a different married man and had been linked to multiple members of the Britton family — it’s understandable why Sydney would react that way.

Vanessa was caught up in a business partnership with Anthony and newcomer Alexander Cora which, unbeknownst to her, was on the brink of disaster. Michael revealed to Anthony that their cell phones weren’t working and would cause major issues for their business, but Anthony refused to sully his new relationship with Alex with the bad news. Michael’s cousin Devin (Flex Alexander) later warned that Alex was not a great man to go into business with since those who angered him wound up either dead or missing.

Elsewhere, middleweight boxing champion Bobby “The Beast” Boyd (RonReaco Lee) and his bodyguard Cornelius (Vincent Ward) approached Sergeant Lane about getting his son Peter to sign a contract with them to turn pro. Peter later confronted his dad about interfering with the opportunity of a lifetime, though Sergeant maintained that he was simply looking out for his best interests.

Lastly, Martin and Adora (Jessica Obilom) — the famed artist whose paintings sparked a bidding war at the annual charity art auction — has begun sleeping together. When Adora offered to cook for Martin, he quickly made it clear he wanted to keep things casual. She agreed, though we’re not convinced that’s what she really wanted.

What did you think of The Black Hamptons’ Season 2 premiere? Grade both episodes below, and then share your feelings in the comments.

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