Blackpool school's new public sports hall given green light

Artist’s impression of the sports hall and entrance
-Credit: (Image: Cassidy and Ashton)

A bid to build a new sports hall at a Blackpool school which caters for children with additional needs has been given the go-ahead by town hall planners.

The facility – which will be open to the public after school hours – will be provided at Park Community Academy on land between Whitegate Drive and Wilkinson Avenue.

A revised planning application for the scheme drawn up by architects Cassidy and Ashton has been approved by the council using delegated powers.


As well as providing improved sports facilities for pupils, it is proposed to be available for use on an out-of-hours basis between 5.30pm and 8.30pm Monday to Friday, with visitors using the car park at the bottom of the school closest to the facilities.

More space is needed due to increasing pupils numbers, with around 322 children now attending classes who have a range of additional needs, between the ages of two and 19.

As part of the scheme, a new school entrance will also be built and an outdoor playground will be reconfigured with a raised platform and new staircase and access ramp.

The school has also submitted a separate planning application for a single-storey building to house a new classroom, with decking outside, which is still under consideration by the council.