Is Your Kid Growing Up Too Fast?

Does your kid sometimes look and sound older than you feel? Or do you despair of ever cutting the cord and seeing them leave home for good? Some astrological signs grow up faster than others -- see where your child lands on astrology's maturity scale!

At the opposite end from one another are Capricorn and Cancer. Capricorn kids are old for their years -- serious little ones who seem to carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. But as they mature into their middle adult years, they often tend to become younger and younger.

Cancer kids are renowned for being firmly attached to their mother; the males of the sign find it especially hard to disengage. They really want to be nurtured by mom way into adult life ... and as a result, they'll always be kids at heart.

Taurus is also quite the stay-at-home type, as well as rather possessive. And if being a kid affords them more indulgence, they won't step into adult shoes so quickly.

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The other Peter Pans of the universe -- especially among boys -- are Aries, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius and certain kinds of Aquarius. None are especially clingy, nor do they throw toddler tantrums into their teens. But grow up? That would be way too boring. These signs want fun, adventure and excitement. They'll leave all the self-disciplined stuff until at least their 30s.

Libra kids have a reputation for being a bit on the lazy side ... until they hit the magic age of 29, at which point they transform into hard-working citizens.

Virgo tends to be a worker and worrier from a young age, so these youngsters often tend to appear older than they really are. They need to be persuaded to realize that play activity isn't, as they imagine, a complete waste of time.

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Pisces dislikes the adult world of hard realities, tough decisions and compromises, so they'll stick close to their domestic comfort zone. They really need practical support in life, so they'll wait until they have an adult mate before they fly the coop.

Finally, Scorpio is often difficult to read, but surprisingly sentimental about home and family -- and possessive with it as well. Hanging onto their childhood has less to do with an unwillingness to grow up than their general difficulty with letting go.

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