Blue Lights: Declan Lawn and Adam Patterson on what makes series two special and what fans can expect

Declan Lawn and Adam Patterson - writers of BBC drama Blue Lights -Credit:Press Eye/Darren Kidd
Declan Lawn and Adam Patterson - writers of BBC drama Blue Lights -Credit:Press Eye/Darren Kidd

With hit Belfast drama Blue Lights returning to our screens next week, the show's creators have given us a hint of what we can expect to see when it airs on April 15.

Declan Lawn and Adam Patterson, the duo behind the acclaimed series, first met in 2009 when they were working as journalists - back when neither could have expected they would create one of the most talked-about shows of 2023.

Speaking at a set visit for series two in Belfast, Adam and Declan teased what fans can expect from the highly-anticipated new series, how new characters fit into the dynamic and laid hopes for Gerry's return to rest.

Read more: Blue Lights creator explains important reason for character's death in series 1

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Despite having interviewed and interacted with hundreds of police officers during their successful careers on Spotlight and Panorma, the concept of creating a police drama had not been on their radars.

Adam said: "In our creative lives, the hardest thing to do is to look at yourself and where you're from and I think the temptation is always when you start creating work is to look at the other, something that is more sensationalised and different and new.

"The harder thing is to come home and it took Blue Lights and the prospect of making a show which would be about the fabric of this society... to drag us back here and make us look at the place that we love.

"It's a complicated love, it's a difficult place at times and it wasn't the easiest place to grow up in - but's been a massively gratifying experience to come back and produce a creative work about a place that people can relate to from all sides of society and that's something people don't do very often here."

While the show follows the lives of the people risking their lives to work for the PSNI here in Belfast, Adam and Declan say the show is much more than just the police, it is the story of family, love and loss and the big issues that affect everyone here.

Blue Lights Series 2 - Grace and Stevie -Credit:BBC
Blue Lights Series 2 - Grace and Stevie -Credit:BBC

"The police framework just worked as a way to utilise different sections of the city and to throw our characters into deeper waters," Adam continued.

"But it was always about just trying to look at people and how people survive and react to different situations they are put into."

Over the last year, the PSNI has been at the centre of serious headlines such as the major data breach in August and the appointment of a new Chief Constable in November.

Declan joked: "They are better at drama than we are."

However, we aren't likely to see any storylines lifted from real-life PSNI case studies such as these headlines in series two, or the two further series commissioned for Blue Lights, as Declan said they wouldn't want to take the show on a route that is "obvious or crass".

He said: "They have had a really dramatic year, they've had lots of ups and downs.

"I would say our relationship with them is what I would describe as cordial but distant in the sense that they don't ask what we're doing or ask to see what we're doing, but they have allowed us to use uniforms and the real PSNI crest and some vehicles.

"They've been helpful to us but they have never tried to influence us - in terms of all of those things [real PSNI headlines] I think we tried a fine line in this show because you don't want to lift anything directly from real life because then it just looks obvious and crass.

"The whole computer leakage, we're never going to touch that because people will just be going well, you're stealing."

Both Declan and Adam added that what they have taken from the PSNI is how officers react to things they see and do in their roles and gathering real-life testimony which they can take into the lives of their characters to give an authentic representation of what a job in the police service in NI entails.

When writing the first series, the pair had always intended to continue the story into the east of the city if commissioned for a second series, planting a few seeds in the first series that exploring loyalism in Belfast could be on the cards.

Adam explained: "Belfast is a small city but it's obviously very diverse.

Blue Lights Series 2 - Tommy Foster and Annie Conlon -Credit:BBC
Blue Lights Series 2 - Tommy Foster and Annie Conlon -Credit:BBC

"We really felt that it was only fair to do a different part of the city for season two - different sides of the city, different problems but it's all us, we're all part of it.

"That was the main reason for shipping the lens from the west to the east as we really felt there was pressing issues there and people there that deserve to be represented, both in terms of their optimism and their difficulties."

Teasing what we can expect from series two, Declan shared that the show kicks off one year on from the devasting death of Gerry and the fall of the McIntyre gang.

"For some reason, that we don't know yet at the start of season two, drugs are an even worse issue - drugs, petty crime, homelessness.

"The city centre is essentially in chaos and the police just don't have the resources to deal with it. They don't have enough people, they don't have enough police cells to put people in so they are really up against it.

"They're out there in the front line and they're faced with this kind of deluge of crime wondering where it's coming from and as the series progresses, you realise where it's coming from and that's kind of the main storyline," he explained.

Adam added that despite the "massive intimidating prospect" of not only returning for a second series but once again writing about home, they know their characters even better this time around and are hoping that audiences will be as pleased with what's to come as they are.

Declan continued: "Blue Lights can be dark but I think fundamentally it shows who we are, which is quite optimistic about this place."

When asked what their documentary experience helped them bring to creating the drama, Adam replied: "To respect people and to never assume that you know people.

"I think it made us realise that there's good and bad in everyone and that people are not easily defined - the world is not black and white and that great people can make mistakes and that bad people can show moments of humanity."

"The message of Blue Lights is that no character is fully good or fully bad," Declan added.

"You'll see the main criminal character in this season, Lee Thompson, is a very morally ambiguous character, there's many things about him that you like and respect but he's willing to do things that are reprehensible.

"That goes for cops as well - in this series, there are cops who are both bad and good and that is basically directly taken from our experience as documentary makers sitting down with people from all backgrounds.

"That's a big part of Blue Lights is to not make moral judgments."

Richard Dormer as Gerry Cliff -Credit:BBC
Richard Dormer as Gerry Cliff -Credit:BBC

After being tormented by the decision to kill off the beloved character of Gerry last season, they reiterated the importance of the decision to have him die and what that will bring to the story of series two.

"One of the things we could never have done in this is to have someone die and then never have spoken to him again," Adam said.

"It's sadly seen in a lot of drama shows and you're like 'Hold on, his mate got blown up like two episodes ago'.

"We had to find a way in season two to balance it so we shot on a year because we couldn't do the immediate aftermath, it would have consumed everything but we go a year on."

Declan continued: "His legacy permeates all season - people talk about him, they think about him, but also, his death is the catalyst for them coming together as a team.

"It's what makes season two special I think is that they're all doing their best to live up to his legacy so that was super important to us.

"We just love the way people remember him and it's quite touching but this was our gamble or the calculation from the start that by the time you get to the end of season two, the question won't be why did you kill Gerry, it'll be I think I get why you killed Gerry now."

Blue Lights returns to BBC NI on Monday, April 15 at 9pm and BBC iPlayer

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