Boris Johnson criticised for slashing fire services - but blowing £37m on 'vanity' bridge

Boris Johnson has suggested the UK could take military action against the Assad regime without MP approval (PA)
Boris Johnson (PA)

Boris Johnson is facing criticism for slashing fire services in 2013 and 2014 while he was London mayor – but spending £37m on London’s Garden Bridge project.

The planned bridge is now almost certain never to be built.

Labour MP Grahame Morris said on Twitter, ‘As Mayor of London, Boris Johnson closed 10 fire stations but spent £37 million on plans for a vanity bridge which will never be built.’

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In the wake of the Grenfell Tower disaster, video has circulated showing Boris Johnson telling a rival politician to ‘get stuffed’ in 2013 when he was criticised over plans to cut fire fighting services.

Boris’s cuts – implemented in 2014 – closed 10 fire stations, with the loss of 552 firefighters’ jobs.

Labour Assembly leader Andrew Dismore asked then-Mayor Boris, ‘How can cutting fire stations, cutting fire engines and cutting firefighters post not be a reduction in fire cover? You’ve lied to the people of London.’

Boris snapped, ‘Get stuffed’ – but apologised saying, ‘It just popped out.’

When the cuts were implemented in 2014, firefighters wept and embraced each other outside stations which closed – including Britain’s oldest, in Clerkenwell.

Several animals became separated from their owners in the Grenfell Tower fire (Rex)
Grenfell Tower fire (Rex)

Video of the clash has circulated widely on social media in the wake of today’s Grenfell Tower disaster.