MP says Grenfell Tower fire is ‘corporate manslaughter’ and people should be arrested

Tottenham Labour MP David Lammy described the Grenfell Tower fire as ‘corporate manslaughter’ and called for arrests.

Lammy told the BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that a family friend – Khadija Saye, 24 – lived on the 20th floor of Grenfell Tower and was still missing after the disaster.

MORE: Residents described ‘appalling service’ of Grenfell Tower management company

MORE: Cladding used on Grenfell Tower ‘may have made fire worse’

Mr Lammy said, ‘We should call it what it is, it’s corporate manslaughter, that’s what it is and there should be arrests made, frankly.

Flames and smoke billow as firefighters deal with a serious fire in the Grenfell Tower apartment block at Latimer Road in West London, Britain June 14, 2017. REUTERS/Toby Melville
Flames and smoke billow as firefighters deal with a serious fire in the Grenfell Tower apartment block at Latimer Road in West London, Britain June 14, 2017. REUTERS/Toby Melville

‘Many of us across the country have been caught up in an election, knocking on housing estate doors right across the country, travelling up to the the top floors of tower blocks and we know as politicians that the conditions in this country are unacceptable.

A Grenfell Tower resident believes his fridge was the cause of the fire (PA)
At least 12 people have died in the fire.

‘We built buildings in the 70s, those 70s buildings – many of them should be demolished.’

A Grenfell Tower resident who wrote a chillingly prescient blog post about the risks of ‘catastrophic fire’ in the building almost died in the blaze himself, he said today.

Edward Daffarn, 55, is a campaigner from Grenfell Action Group, which published a series of highly critical blog posts, warning of safety problems.

Daffarn said after the fire, ‘I consider this mass murder.’

Daffarn said he was on the 16th floor, and initially followed safety instructions to stay in his flat – but was almost overcome by smoke when he tried to make his escape.

Speaking to Buzzfeed News, he said, ‘There was no fire alarm, no fire alarm went off. I just heard my neighbours’ smoke alarm about 1 o’clock in the morning and thought they were making some toast.