Brave boy praised for calling 999 after grandfather collapsed due to 'serious hypo'

Hero - Harley, 12, is awarded an official commendation <i>(Image: EEAST)</i>
Hero - Harley, 12, is awarded an official commendation (Image: EEAST)

A BRAVE boy who leapt into action to call 999 when he found his grandfather on the ground unresponsive has been commended for his heroic actions.

The courageous youngster, Harley Sampson, immediately called the emergency services for help when his grandfather, John, collapsed after suffering a blow to his head.

And the 12-years-old’s actions have not gone unnoticed as he has been awarded an official commendation from the ambulance service’s CEO, Tom Abell.

Hero - Harley, 12, is awarded an official commendation (Image: EEAST)

His mother, Sadie Sampson, is herself a paramedic based in Southend for the East of England Ambulance Service, and beams with pride over her son’s quick-thinking actions.

Sadie, who is a leading operations manager at Southend Ambulance Station, said: “I am incredibly proud of Harley and thankful he was at home with John when this happened.

“It is so important that everyone knows what to do in a medical emergency. I would urge everyone to go through even just the basics with their children of calling 999.

“You never know when it is going to be needed and it’s an important life skill to have.”

Sadie has consistently educated her son on the crucial process of calling for an ambulance in a medical emergency.

Harley’s important lessons paid off, during a stay at Sadie’s parents’ home in Hockley.

Smiles - Harley with emergency medical technician Vincent Springer (Image: EEAST)

Upon hearing his grandfather, John, tumble in the kitchen, Harley discovered him unresponsive.

He immediately rang 999, and calmly updated call handler Kathryn d’Arcy, at the Norwich Emergency Operations Centre, on John’s condition, noting his type 1 diabetes.

An ambulance was deployed urgently and arrived within 10 minutes.

Fortunately, John regained consciousness after falling due to low blood-sugar levels - a serious hypo, his first such case in seven years.

John was admitted to the hospital for further examination, and was soon discharged.

The award was presented at the Southend Ambulance Station, in front of his visibly-proud mother and thankful grandfather.

Also there were the life-saving crew who attended the call, namely paramedic Caroline Smith, emergency care assistant Stephanie Boston, and emergency medical technician Vincent Springer.

Mr Abell added: “We like to recognise children who show bravery in calling 999 with commendations. This commendation is extra special as Harley is the son of one of our people, and Sadie has an important message around educating children in what to do in medical emergencies.”