Brexit is in 'some trouble' if Corbyn becomes Prime Minister, warns Nigel Farage

Nigel Farage has said a coalition government led by Jeremy Corbyn would cast the future of Brexit into doubt.

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On an extraordinary night in which Theresa May’s decision to call a snap election backfired spectacularly, the former Ukip leader said a Corbyn premiership would force him back into active politics.

With only a handful of results left to be declared, a Hung Parliament has now been confirmed, meaning the Tories will not be able to form a majority government.

Read more: What is a Hung Parliament?

Mr Farage said: “What a huge error to pick a Remainer to leader a Brexit par at a Brexit election.

“If we do get a Corbyn coalition then Brexit is in some trouble.”

He added that he would come back into active politics under the Corbyn premiership because it would undoubtedly lead to a second referendum on leaving the EU.

“I would have absolutely no choice but to do that”, he told the BBC.

The most likely scenario is that the Tories will form a formal – or informal – pact with the DUP. But until that is confirmed, the identity of the next Prime Minister remains uncertain.

But even with Brexit negotiations set to start in just 11 days, Britain now looks likely to enter a period of political turmoil.

The EU, meanwhile, has its negotiating team in place and ready to go.

Some observers believe that a hung parliament makes the prospect of a so-called hard Brexit less likely, which would be welcomed by markets and the world of business.

Mr Farage said Mrs May came across as “robotic and insincere” throughout the campaign, in stark contrast to the “amazing” one fought by Mr Corbyn.

Mrs May said she had called the election because it was crucial for voters to give her a stronger mandate in Brexit negotiations, but it now appears that voters have chosen not to do that.

It could be, in short, the death of a ‘hard Brexit’.

As the exit poll was announced, the pound fell more than 1.5% against the US dollar and 1% against the euro as the shock figures set the scene for political turmoil at Westminster.

Nick Clegg, who lost his seat in Sheffield Hallam, warned of a “huge gulf” that was now opening up between young and old voters in his speech.

He said that if MPs seek to amplify the divisions in the next Parliament Britain would endure incredible hardship in the years to come.

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