'What a brilliant day' - More pictures of Armed Forces Day event in Colchester

Poised - Military soldier in position with a gun <i>(Image: Cpl Stone - British Army)</i>
Poised - Military soldier in position with a gun (Image: Cpl Stone - British Army)

SOLDIER'S of the British Army’s global response force were the stars of a show to celebrate Armed Forces Day in Colchester.

The 16 Air Assault Brigade Combat Team and Colchester Garrison Show took over Abbey Field, Colchester on Saturday to mark Armed Forces Day – the nation’s chance to show its support to the military.

Building up to the dramatic finale of a combat demonstration, some 15,000 people enjoyed a showcase of the skills and equipment of the city’s 16 Air Assault Brigade Combat Team.

Highlights across the day included displays by a military skills competition for local Army, Air and Sea Cadets, a martial arts display by Gurkha soldiers, and a parade by veterans and cadets from across Essex.

The public got to meet the soldiers based in the city and get up close to the vehicles, weapons, and equipment they use on operations.

An insight into the garrison’s history was given by the 10th Essex Living History Group showing the kit and weaponry of First World War soldiers.

The Honourable Artillery Company Light Cavalry in the dress and tack of 19th Century cavalry troops and Merville Barracks’ Dakota, the iconic transport aircraft used for Second World War airborne operations, was open for visits.

Lieutenant Colonel Ed Rankin, Commander of Colchester Garrison, said: “What a brilliant day we all had. The military is drawn from the civilian community and the close relationship and support we have from the people of Colchester and Essex is one of the foundations of our troops’ ability to do their job.

"It was great to see so many people, particularly young people come out to celebrate the links between us, enjoy some fantastic displays and learn more about the Army.”