How Bristol City Council's political makeup could change after local elections

The city's leadership will change after the local elections on Thursday, May 2 -Credit:Getty Images
The city's leadership will change after the local elections on Thursday, May 2 -Credit:Getty Images

The balance of power in Bristol could soon shift after upcoming local elections and a major switch in how the city is run. Both Labour and the Greens would need a giant leap in support to win an outright majority, meaning there could be some jostling for control after the vote.

There are 70 councillors on Bristol City Council, and a party needs to win 36 to form an outright majority. Otherwise the council will end up in no overall control (NOC), with two parties potentially working together to form a coalition administration.

The Greens currently have the most councillors with 24, although Labour remain in power under the mayoral system with 23 councillors. However, after the local elections on Thursday, May 2, the council will scrap the mayoral system and replace it with eight policy committees.

Read more: Bristol local elections: All you need to know ahead of May 2

Read more: Why you won’t be voting for a Bristol mayor this year

This means power could be more evenly spread among different political parties in City Hall, rather than concentrated in just one. The Greens and the Liberal Democrats could form a coalition, for example, if both together had at least 36 seats. But that’s not the only option.

In a blog post last month, the Local Government Information Unit said: “Some councils have a minority administration, where one party governs the council despite not having more than half of all councillors, usually because they have the most councillors or because they have close to a majority.

“In other places coalitions are formed where councillors of different parties work together to govern the council. In some councils, the largest political party is unable to form a minority administration because a coalition of smaller parties has banded together.

“In practice, NOC councils can work really well and help politicians come together around local issues without spending too much time on party political issues. In other NOC councils, there is constant political jostling.”

Bristol has often been under no overall control in recent years, although under the mayoral model this doesn’t matter as much, as the mayor can choose councillors to appoint to cabinet positions. Since 2021, no party has had a majority in the council.

Labour held a majority from 2016 to 2021, and the Labour mayor Marvin Rees was elected in 2016. From 2011 to 2016, no party had a majority, but from 2012 the former independent mayor George Ferguson ran the council. The Liberal Democrats held a majority from 2009 to 2011. But between 2003 and 2009, the council was once again under no overall control.

Before the first mayor was elected, Bristol was run by a council leader. From 2005 to 2007 this council leader was a Liberal Democrat, and again from 2009 to 2012. Between 2007 and 2009 the council leader was a Labour councillor.

Last year in South Gloucestershire, negotiations after polling day took two weeks between Labour and the Liberal Democrats, before they announced they would form a coalition to lead South Gloucestershire Council. Both the Greens and Labour in Bristol need to win several more seats to reach the magic 36 number, meaning similar negotiations could take place this May, before it’s clear who will take power.

Currently the Conservatives are the third largest party with 14 councillors, while the Liberal Democrats have five, and the Knowle Community Party have two. There are also two independent councillors.