Bristol football teams unite against domestic abuse for Euros

Bristol City Robins Foundation and Bristol Rovers Community Trust have come together in a new joint campaign to raise awareness of domestic abuse during the 2024 European Football Championship. The video and poster campaign features players from Bristol City FC and Bristol Rovers W.F.C. alongside representatives from Avon and Somerset Police and local domestic abuse support service, Next Link.

Studies show that if England play, reports of domestic abuse incidents rise by 26 percent, if they lose, reports of incidents rise by 38 percent. Increased alcohol consumption during football competitions is widely considered to be a main driving factor for this increase.

On average the police in England and Wales receive over 100 calls relating to domestic abuse every hour. However, during international football competitions reports of domestic abuse increase.

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In a joint video, football players are featured alongside a police and Next Link representative on how to spot the signs of a domestic abuse. Red flags mentioned in the video include injuries, signs of withdrawal, getting lots of calls or texts and there being lots of rules in a relationship.

Signs that a person may be an abuser that are featured on the video campaign include being extremely jealous, possessive and unpredictable. The public are then reminded that although football doesn't cause domestic abuse and it is something that some people face everyday, incidents increase during international tournaments, especially during England games; whether they win or lose.

Dan White, chief executive officer for Bristol City Robins Foundation, said: “Football has a powerful platform to raise awareness of key issues in society, and with this collaborative campaign, we hope to increase awareness of the prevalence and signs of domestic abuse. Working alongside the police, local councils, and Bristol Rovers FC is a great example of how we can collectively help play our part.”

Adam Tutton, chief executive officer for Bristol Rovers Community Trust, said: “All of us at Bristol Rovers are delighted to be able to support this campaign to help raise awareness around domestic abuse. By partnering with Bristol City FC, we can use the brand, power, and reach of our football clubs to support the message to our fans that domestic abuse is never acceptable.”

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Matt Cable, temporary Detective Inspector from Avon and Somerset Police, said: “Domestic abuse is never acceptable. We want people to be aware of the signs of what this may look like and to look out for those around them and speak up if you have concerns. Please, if you’re a victim of domestic abuse, report it to us or to our partners at Next Link. You will be taken seriously, and it will be dealt with sensitively.”

Sian Scholes, Senior Service Manager at Next Link said: “If something doesn’t feel right in your relationship, it probably isn’t. We know that talking about your personal life can be hard, but we are here to listen, offer help and advice, and support you and your family with your safety.

“If you are concerned that a friend or family member may be experiencing domestic abuse, you can give them our contact details or call us yourself to get more information. With the right help and support, victims and survivors go on to lead fulfilling, healthy, and fun lives free from violence and abuse.”

If you are concerned for someone you know or need help yourself, you can reach out to South Gloucestershire and Bristol’s domestic abuse support service Next Link at: or call their female team on 0800 4700 280.

The campaign has been funded and supported by South Gloucestershire Council and Bristol City Council.