The Bristol Rovers Community Trust programme offering mental health support through football

Rebound With Rovers participants -Credit:Bristol Live
Rebound With Rovers participants -Credit:Bristol Live

Talking may seem to many as something pretty straightforward and routine but its vigour is often neglected and underestimated, especially when it's talking about how you're feeling.

Stigma around mental health has certainly reduced in recent years but it's notably still very much present in today's society and so any charities, groups or initiatives created with a focus on assisting people with their mental struggles must be taken seriously and receive the necessary backing.

In Bristol, one of those initiatives available to the local community is the 'Rebound With Rovers' sessions put on by the Bristol Rovers Community Trust on Wednesday mornings and afternoons at Pen Park Sports Ground in Southmead. Attendees start the session with a 'check-in' where participants are encouraged to share how they're feeling and give their mood a score out of 10 before playing football on the facility's astroturf pitch. The two-hour session then ends with a 'check-out' to see how much the game and physical activity as boosted how people are feeling generally.

As part of their celebration of Mental Health Awareness Week, the Community Trust invited Bristol Live down to a session earlier this week to take part and see the power of effectiveness of having a safe space and group to talk about your feelings in as well as going to play football.

The morning session tends to be smaller than the second put on on Wednesday afternoons but there was immediately evidence of camaraderie and friendship that had been built up over time, regardless of how participants went on to share how they were feeling.

Some revealed that they were in good places as part of their check-in, some mixed and others not as positive but the integration of a small-sided football match that lasted the best part of an hour-and-a-half into the session evidently made everyone's check-outs more positive as a result.

"I was brought on to be the lead on this role and that’s when I started the Trust and that was three years ago," Community Trust mental health first-aider Costa Chard told Bristol Live, who has been an integral part in Rebound With Rovers' success. "It was a joint-venture between the GFA (Gloucestershire FA) and Bristol Rovers Community Trust. I do other projects but this was, in essence, the main project.

"They’ve been wonderful at the Trust, they really have. They’ve helped put this project together and helped it grown and our afternoon session, which is the main adult session, got so big that we were having 30 attendees and that was a bit squashed in that court.

"We came up with this idea and could see it working, especially within the local community, having an extra adult session. What’s very interesting is that they’re two very different sessions and yet they’re both uniquely supportive to every attendee who attends so a huge thank you to the Trust for that because we wouldn’t be here if that wasn’t the case.

"It is vital," Chard added on the importance of having access to other people or groups to speak to and share how you're feeling. "The strength of Rebound is our check in’s and check out’s where you can actually share how you’re feeling and there’s not many opportunities to do that.

"You’ll find that’s a gradual process. Someone might want to talk about football, someone might not want to go too deep into how they’re currently feeling but over time, that trust and that confidential space, that’s built and that gives you that space. But what’s essential is to talk to someone and that’s what we express because some people turn up and, it’s not about how you’re feeling in regards to whether you’re feeling low this week or high, it’s about you attend and that you’re here every week and that helps everyone one. There is that bond. There is that sort of family group but, in essence, being able to talk to someone is difficult and is never easy."

The astroturf pitch at Pen Park sportsground in Southmead -Credit:Bristol Live
The astroturf pitch at Pen Park sportsground in Southmead -Credit:Bristol Live

One of the project's biggest success stories has been that of Helen Cox who was Rebound for Rovers' first participant back in 2021 and is now a voluntary assistant coach. From taking time to throw herself into the action to now being a key cog of the operation, Cox's story emphasises the power of talking can have and how vital these sorts of groups are.

That doesn't mean she's completely overcome any mental struggles, or anyone else has, but, has the assistant coach told Bristol Live, Rebound for Rovers has helped "an awful lot."

Recalling her personal story with the programme, Cox said: “It was around October or November 2021 that I got given a flyer. I was seeing a therapist and she knew that I was into football and stuff like that and for me, I’m more of a physical person rather than that mindfulness and stuff like that. I can’t sit there and meditate or anything like that. It’s got to be a physical thing.

“So I ummed and aahed about it but I came in and I just parked in the car park and I could only see two people which was Costa and Richard, he was from the GFA. They were just waiting for people to come in and really that’s how it all happened.

“I think I’m glad because actually I was like ‘oh I’ve got the wrong place, wrong time’ but I’m glad I made that step to go into the court and, as they say, the rest is history.

"First of all it was just an afternoon session and it took a long time for word of mouth for people to start coming in but it is a family and where it’s grown so much, we were fortunate that the GFA wanted to do a morning session as well and that started last year. It just goes to show how much it is needed.

"It has helped an awful lot. I mean, I get my good and bad days and I used to hide it from here. I used to mask it and say everything was alright and stuff like that. Costa and myself had a conversation and I could see where he’s coming from where, if I’m masking it but we’re asking the others to share their issues with their mental health, then I have to come out and say and I think that's helped as well because we’re all in the same boat. As much as it’s hard for me because I’m not one for talking about things and stuff like that, I’d rather help others, but for me speaking out it is helping the others and it is a good session."

The afternoon sessions regularly host around 30 people whereas the morning sessions are considerably smaller with, generally, no more than 10 currently, although there isn't any sort of set limit. However, the reduced group size at has created it's own sort of bond between regulars while also making it easier to play a small-sided game of football.

Rebound With Rovers participants take part in a small-sided game of football -Credit:Bristol Live
Rebound With Rovers participants take part in a small-sided game of football -Credit:Bristol Live

A big part of the initiative is its affiliation with Bristol Rovers with many attendees big Gasheads. There is no dress code of any kind but some opted to wear their Rovers kit, although most sported a Rebound With Rovers specific kit made with the programme's official logo as the badge.

Blue and white, the kit is clearly associated with the Gas while being unique at the same time and that adds to the family feel of the environment. Although a team, the emphasis is on having fun and enjoying the game without the pressures of competitiveness.

For one regular participant, who wished to be anonymous, alongside being a regular at Rovers games, these sessions are the only time of getting out of the house after struggling mentally on the back of health issues.

"I met Costa at a Rovers mental health night in March last year," they said. "It was organised by the club and was hosted by Geoff Twentyman and they had a few players there and Helen did a little talk at it as well. There was a question and answer session after with the players and James Belshaw spoke very well about the stick players get on social media if Rovers lose and how to handle that. It was very good.

"I’ve tried different things. Being a Rovers fan for 51 years, I’ve tried other men’s groups but it’s nice to come here because it’s the connection with Rovers. It’s difficult to explain but with the connection it brings me here. We play on the pitch every year and there is a connection.

"We do feel like we represent the team every week and I go to games every week and it gives you a bit of pride. I live in Yatton which isn’t a million miles away but it is an effort come here but, if I didn’t make that effort, I wouldn’t be doing anything anyway.

"I’ve been unwell with two heart attacks and I shouldn’t be doing exercise because of my heart but to come here, it’s not strenuous. I just walk left, right, up, down, but it gets me out there and that’s a good thing for my health mentally and physically.

"It’s the connection with the club. I’ve tried men’s shared and all sorts of stuff but there’s no connection so when I heard of this, I thought I’ll give it a go. I’m still up and down but every time I’m here, it’s absolutely great. It’s something that I thought I wouldn’t be able to do or have any chance of doing but it’s really good and brings my mood up. The dark times are out shadowed by coming here and doing this."

Another participant, Ollie, emphasised the point of the programme allowing them to play football in a team when that wasn't possible before, saying: "I’ve been coming here just over a year now and it’s allowed me to do what I’ve wanted to do for a long time which was getting involved playing football and enjoying it. It’s just brilliant.

"When you’ve gotten to know people there’s a bit of competitiveness because you know you can have a laugh with people and can enjoy a bit of competitiveness. But if I was to chase down the ball with someone else chasing and they fell over, I’d be the first one to pick them back up and check they’re okay.

"They’ve also helped us learn how to play as a team. I was already able to play football but not in a team. The kit just means that we’re part of a team. When I go out I do sometimes wear my kit and it’s quite funny because people see it’s a Bristol Rovers kit but if they look properly it’s actually the Rebound kit.

"It’s absolutely fantastic for your mental and physical health and you get the opportunity at the start of the session to talk about how you feel and by the end of it, people will usually feel a lot better than how they did at the start of it."

Additionally, the playing football aspect does also help physical health alongside mental with another regular, Adrian Millar, discussing how Rebound With Rovers has helped him lose over a stone, saying: "I went to a Rebound for Rovers meeting at the Gloucestershire Cricket Club and found out about it from Helen and Costa about a year ago. It’s helped me really well, I really enjoy it. I’ve lost weight as well. I was 15 stone when I started and am now 13st 10lbs. I used to play for Bristol Rovers Disability a few years ago but this I really enjoy."

For anyone interested in attending a Rebound With Rovers session, sessions are free to attend on Wednesday mornings and afternoons and open for people 16+. Email