British Gas, OVO, EDF, Octopus customers warned they need to 'defrost freezer'

British Gas, OVO, EDF, Octopus and EON Next customers could knock £300 off their bills. A recent survey revealed that homeowners could save almost £300 every year on their energy bills with a few home improvements.

MoneyMagpie teamed up with the survey holder, Smart Energy GB, to reveal some energy saving hacks that could reduce your bills by hundreds each year. The tips, hacks and tricks for customers and households include using the washing machine less.

The experts warned customers to wash "less of yourselves and less of your clothes", with showers cut down from 10 minutes and fewer laundry loads per week. Customers are also urged to air dry clothes rather than put them in the tumble.

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Households should also use switch timers, and maximise battery usage. Customers are also told to ensure they are bleeding radiators to maximise efficiency, and stop using standby mode too. A study by the Energy Saving Trust revealed (with figures updated by British Gas), huge ‘vampire device’ costs such as a microwave costing £16.37 a year, washing machine £4.73, and electric showers £9.80 every year just on standby.

Customers have been warned to defrost freezers, too. As your freezer builds up ice over time, not only is the space available for you reduced, but the appliance is less efficient, experts have warned as the Cost of Living crisis continues up and down the country.

They explained: "When your freezer is defrosted, fill empty gaps on shelves and in drawers with water-filled ziplock bags. When you need the space, remove the bag. Freezers are more efficient when they are full than empty, so filling spare space like this helps improve its efficiency."

Some freezers helpfully even come with a built-in defrost mode when it is looking too icy in there, with many available from brands like AO.