Stranded ducklings rescued from central barrier on major road

Stranded ducklings rescued from central barrier on major road <i>(Image: Wildlife Rescue Wildlife Hospital Moyles Court)</i>
Stranded ducklings rescued from central barrier on major road (Image: Wildlife Rescue Wildlife Hospital Moyles Court)

A GROUP of stranded ducklings were rescued by police after becoming stuck on the central barrier of the A338.

Dorset Police officers were called to help the group of small, frightened ducklings that were next to the fast lane on Spur Road on the evening of Saturday, June 22.

(Image: Wildlife Rescue Wildlife Hospital Moyles Court)

The nine ducks were brought to the Wildlife Rescue Wildlife Hospital Moyles Court, in Ringwood, to be treated by professionals.

They will stay at the animal hospital until they are fully grown and released into a suitable area.

The wildlife centre said this incident was the 25th group of ducks to be reported from this location in the past few weeks.

They shared on social media: “Once again a big thank you to Dorset Police, this time for rescuing another group of small, frightened ducklings stranded next to the fast lane against the central concrete barrier on the A338 yesterday evening.

“This is the 25th group of ducks reported from this location during the last few weeks. “These 9 youngsters were extremely fortunate in that the compassionate Police Officers rescued them and brought them to our hospital.

“The 9 ducklings will remain here with us until fully grown and are ready for release in a suitable area.”