Brits in Portugal warned to 'stop doing' one thing in restaurants or face 'hot water'

Tourist trap restaurants are charging UK holidaymakers and tourists for bad, unauthentic cuisine, an expat has warned.
Tourist trap restaurants are charging UK holidaymakers and tourists for bad, unauthentic cuisine, an expat has warned. -Credit:No credit

UK tourists in Portugal have been warned to avoid eating in restaurants or face 'hot water'.

An expat in Portugal has issued a stark warning to UK tourists who eat in the European hotspot's restaurants while abroad. "Tourist trap" restaurants are charging UK holidaymakers and tourists for bad, unauthentic cuisine, an expat has warned.

Dave shared advice on what "not to do" in Lisbon if you "don't want to get ripped off" or into "hot water". "These restaurants are complete tourist traps that will rip you off," the expat said on YouTube channel 'Dave in Portugal'.

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"Usually they are not owned by Portuguese people and the cuisine is absolutely terrible."

The expat warned that tourists and those moving to the area could be charged "three or four times" more than in a traditional Portuguese restaurant, reports Birmingham Live, reports the Manchester Evening News.

He warned visitors not to get "trapped" in the popular nightlife spot Bairro Alto. He said it can get "a little bit dodgy and crazy there" and added promotions like free shots are often just watered-down liquid and "not worth it".

The best bars will not need to "lure people in", he added. Replying to the warning, a holidaymaker said: "I have eaten and drink in restaurants and bars in places such as Barrio Alto, without a problem. Perhaps I did not realise I was being ripped off? I speak a bit of Spanish and Portuguese, so perhaps that helps."

One individual cautioned: "However, be aware that in some places, the water will put 'tapas' or 'pintxos' on the table while one waits for their drink and meal. Small bites, jamon, olives with oil etc. It is easy to think these are free. In the North of Spain where I often go, these are free."

Another chimed in with a more critical view: "The English should stop going abroad to these places. They're being ripped off in greasy Greece, told they're not wanted in Lanzarotten and third world Spain and being pickpocketed in Portugal. Be to stay in England. You may not get the sunny weather all the time but at least you won't have to suffer the non English."