Brothers in court after police find drugs stash in car and house

-Credit: (Image: Donna Clifford/GrimsbyLive)
-Credit: (Image: Donna Clifford/GrimsbyLive)

Police became suspicious of a vehicle driving through Grimsby and later discovered a haul of drugs in the car and at the driver's home.

Ben Richardson, of Heneage Road, Grimsby, admitted possession with intent to supply drugs and Adam Richardson, also of Heneage Road, admitted being concerned in the supply of Class A drugs when they appeared at Grimsby Crown Court on the charges which date back to October 2021. No explanation was given at court as to what had caused the delay of nearly three years for the sentencing hearing.

Prosecution barrister, Harry Bradford explained the bungling efforts of the two men to hide their drug dealing. He told how police officers pursued a vehicle along Ellis Way on October 15, 2021.


They signalled for the car, which pulled over voluntarily in Pasture Street. Mr Bradford said the driver - Adam Richardson - began to walk off and then ran off.

In the car police found a small amount of cannabis and cocaine. They traced the owner's address to a property in Buller Street, Grimsby.

Ben Richardson answered the door and told police he needed to fetch some items from upstairs. In an attempt to hide drugs he put them in his jacket pocket.

He was searched and found with drugs. The property was searched and officers discovered quantities of cocaine, resealable bags and cannabis. Two mobile phones were seized along with £145 cash, the prosecutor told.

For Adam Richardson, 25, Craig Lowe said the significant delay in the case from 2021 was not the fault of his client who had remained out of trouble since then. He told how his client is drug-free and had previously worked at the Lindsey Oil Refinery.

For Ben Richardson, Michael Forrest said his client was 21 at the time of the offence and is now 23 and his partner had given birth to their second child last month.

Sentencing the pair, Judge John Thackray KC said he was not sure why there had been such a significant delay in the case since 2021.

He said they had "done well" since then but had to appreciate the seriousness of the offences.

"We see how drugs ruin lives and destroy communities," he said. He gave them both 24 months in prison suspended for two years and both received 18-month community orders in which to complete 15 Rehabilitation Activity days.

Both must do 100 hours unpaid work. The judge added: "This is as close as you can come to going to prison."

The Hull Crown Court-based judge ordered that the money seized from the Grimsby property should go to St Paul's Boxing Gym in Hull. He ordered forfeiture and destruction of the other items seized.