Bumper crowds enjoy sunshine and food at Eid festival

The Eid in the park festival took place at Corporation Park in Blackburn <i>(Image: Nq)</i>
The Eid in the park festival took place at Corporation Park in Blackburn (Image: Nq)

Organisers have thanked volunteers for helping to make the Eid in the park festival ‘one of the best ever’.

The annual event took place at Corporation Park over the weekend with stalls and rides taking up the spot opposite the conservatory just off West Park Road.

The two-day festival attracted more than a thousand people with families from all backgrounds attending.

During the day children got the chance to take part in a host of activities including competitions.

A spokesperson said: “We would like to thank Blackburn and Darwen Council for supporting the Eid in the park committee every year and making the festival a success.

“The committee would also like to take this opportunity to mention all the work of our volunteers.

"They worked so hard in the hot weather to keep the event running smoothly and it one of the best ever.

“We would also like to thank all the stall holders for supporting Eid in the Park and we will hopefully see everyone next year.

"The purpose of the Eid festival is to bring all communities and faiths together. Let’s continue to support and uplift each other.”

(Image: Nq/LT)

The event is organised by members of Darussalam Education Centre, based in Whalley New Road, who also host the Eid prayers in the park event.

This year, the prayers had to be cancelled due to the bad weather and there had been concerns Eid in the park may also be affected, but thankfully the sun shone to make it a great event.