Businessman caught trying to smuggle 21 kilos of cannabis into Newcastle Airport

Chang Kin Soon, who was caught trying to import cannabis into Newcastle Airport
-Credit: (Image: Northumbria Police)

A businessman was caught trying to smuggle 21 kilos of cannabis through customs at Newcastle Airport.

Chang Kin Soon ended up in debt to 'illegitimate sources' of funding when his construction industry firm got into financial difficulties. In order to pay off the money he owed, he was told to take a suitcase to the UK.

On the afternoon of May 17, Border Force officers at Newcastle Airport intercepted Soon, who had arrived on a flight from Bangkok, via Dubai, on a Malaysian passport. Joe Culley, prosecuting, told Newcastle Crown Court: "Immigration officers had concerns over his account.

"He was travelling with a large trolley suitcase which was locked with a pin combination. Using translation tools, he was asked questions by the officers. When asked if he had been given anything to bring to this country he indicated to the suitcase.

"He told them he believed it contained drugs but he didn't know the combination for the lock. When it was forced open it was found to contain cannabis."

There were a series of vacuum sealed bags and a total of 21 kilos of herbal cannabis. The 47-year-old also had an itinerary for the Albatross hostel, in Newcastle.

Mr Culley said: "When interviewed, he gave an account of having borrowed money for his business from a person he would not name and that that debt was called in and that he was given instructions about transporting the suitcase to the UK."

Soon pleaded guilty to importing cannabis and was jailed for 12 months. Judge Julie Clemitson told him: "Having got into financial difficulties in your legitimate business you turned to a source of finance from illegitimate sources. Unable to repay the loan, you found yourself coerced into taking a huge risk by travelling with a suitcase which your knew must have contained drugs, even if you didn't know the details."

Brian Hegarty, defending, said Soon worked in the construction industry and added: "When that business got into financial difficulties he borrowed money from those he should not have.

"It was against a background of threats and harassment that he became involved in this enterprise." Mr Hegarty added that the married dad is remorseful and "dreadfully worried" about his family.