Busy York street set to close

Walmgate will be closed close to St Deny's Church on Sunday (July 7) from 9am-5pm <i>(Image: Haydn Lewis)</i>
Walmgate will be closed close to St Deny's Church on Sunday (July 7) from 9am-5pm (Image: Haydn Lewis)

A BUSY road through York city centre is set to close for a day.

Walmgate, which is a busy bus route, will be closed close to St Deny's Church on Sunday (July 7) from 9am-5pm.

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It comes after there were a string of incidents last year when a huge hole was excavated in the carriageway.

It's not clear at this stage what the works are for, but in previous years, water has erupted through the street and flooded the road after a pipe burst.