Caerphilly chippie helps launch National Fish and Chip Awards 2025

The National Fish and Chip Awards were launched at Ship Deck in Caerphilly - the 2024 winners of Takeaway of the Year <i>(Image: National Fish and Chip Awards)</i>
The National Fish and Chip Awards were launched at Ship Deck in Caerphilly - the 2024 winners of Takeaway of the Year (Image: National Fish and Chip Awards)

The National Fish and Chip Awards 2025 were launched in Caerphilly at the Takeaway of the Year 2024 winners' shop.

The annual competition seeks to crown the UK's best fish and chip shops, restaurants and takeaway outlets, with additional recognition bestowed on top industry employees.

Organised by the National Federation of Fish Friers (NFFF), the awards, now in its 37th year, will be sponsored in 2025 by Seafood From Norway.

The event aims to maintain and elevate standards across the sector while also recognising innovative trading practices and sustainability measures.

President of the NFFF, Andrew Crook said: "What a year for fish and chips - surveys have shown that fish and chips is once again the nation’s favourite dish!"

Mr. Crook also highlighted the notable correlations between the beloved dish and recent D-Day 80 celebrations.

He added: "The love for a chippy tea is deeply ingrained and the awards are here to champion all the greats out there that are making the industry what it is today."

Past awards have witnessed winners and shortlisted businesses reaching remarkable new levels of success.

Commenting further, Mr. Crook continued: "We’re incredibly proud to be in this industry and nothing makes us happier than seeing hidden gems unearthed and newcomers being on the radar of even more people and doors opening for them."

Among the previous winners, Takeaway of the Year 2024, Ship Deck from Caerphilly, have seen a remarkable increase in business following their award. It was from Ship Deck that the 2025 awards were launched.

Owners Ryan and Kimberly Hughes reported an 85 per cent increase in trade after clinching the coveted title.

Mr Hughes shared: "Just entering the awards alone was a positive for us.

"Reaching the top 40, 20 then 10 brought us mass amounts of media attention and an increase in trade.

"When we were crowned the UK's number one takeaway at the awards it completely changed our business, practically overnight too, and for the better, of course!

"Ship Deck has always been a busy shop but the sheer volume of customers we see on a daily basis now is totally mind-blowing.

"We had to adjust pretty much straight away - installing a second range, recruiting for a bigger team, and all hands-on deck!"

Seafood from Norway's UK director of the Norwegian Seafood Council, Victoria Braathen spoke of her delight to sponsor the event, pointing to the long-standing collaboration with the NFFF and the positive impact across the fish and chip industry.

However, it's not just UK businesses that can participate.

International counterparts are also welcome to compete.

Interested business owners can apply via the awards' website.

As well as the awards, Seafood from Norway and other category winners from 2024 recently returned from a study trip to Norway, and there are plans to open a Ship Deck pop-up shop in Japan this October.

The winners of the National Fish and Chip Awards will be revealed at a ceremony in London in February.