Call for law change as obscure rule means grieving mum will lose family home

Anna Martin sitting in the home she shared with her mum and which she will now lose. Also in the image is a picture of her mum  Veronica who died in March 2024.
ECHO readers have come to the defence of Anna Martin who has just lost her mum and been told she will now also lose the home they lived in together -Credit:Andrew Teebay Liverpool Echo

An obscure rule means that a grieving daughter will have to leave her home despite it being the place where 'every family member we've lost has died'.

Anna Martin's mum Veronica, 79, died seven weeks ago from bowel cancer, but just a few days before her funeral, Livv Housing told Anna she was not eligible to "'succeed' her mum's tenancy and she would have to leave. 'Succession' is the term for being allowed to take on a relative's tenancy, if it is also your main home and you have lived there for at least year with that relative.

ECHO readers have been railing against little-known tenancy succession quirks in our comments section, and calling for a rewrite of the rules. Anna's problem is that succession can only be declared once, and Anna's brother John was given the right over a decade ago in 2011.

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But John died in 2014. Although the case is still under consideration, Anna is not entitled to succeed the property in Kirkby and has been told she can only stay until May 20.

Anna said: "I knew nothing about 'succession rights' until after mum died. We never thought about her dying and were only focused on our life together. When you’ve had a family in a home for so many years, why would you want to re-let it when we need a home?”

Anna's situation drew a large response from people who read about her in the ECHO. ECHO reader Theshield agrees with Anna, saying: "Why move people out as obviously they're already there and the housing is getting paid anyway? Doesn't make sense to me, moving one group in and putting the other out, just ridiculous."

Commenter Perryboy said: "Outdated rule, poor family, where's the common sense???" Marie64 agreed: "She should be allowed to stay if she pays the rent herself, and I'm sure with her looking after her mother she saved the government thousands of care."

McLovin1978 calls for leniency: "It sounds like a lot of red tape on Livv's side, if the brother passed away in 2014 then just offer it to the sister. They shouldn't have to be worrying about this when grieving from the mum."

Sha77 says: "Wow! Shocking behaviour! Shame on you Livv Housing. The lady is obviously going through a lot as well as the loss of her mum. Absolutely disgusting behaviour leave the poor family to grieve and get well."

Pamelaglockenschlocker said: "The law should be changed so that if a previous succession right is not taken up, it should be declared null and void." Tommo14 adds: "It's more than bricks and mortar - it's a HOME with a lifelong connection. Come on Livv Housing and do the decent thing."

Sconhead said: "Hopefully she gets to stay, fingers crossed." Worksmart writes: "It's a tough decision this, rule with your head or heart, either way good luck and sorry for your loss, it must be a awful experience your going through."

A spokesperson for Livv Housing said: “We are truly sympathetic to Ms Martin’s situation and sorry for the recent loss of her mother. Housing legislation outlines that we are only able to grant the right to succession for a secure tenancy once, and in this instance, the tenancy had already passed to Ms Martin’s brother."

"We have a responsibility to address the significant demand for social housing throughout the borough and ensure customers are supported with homes that are appropriate for their needs. We’re continuing to liaise with the family to provide housing advice and assistance.”

Should the law be changed for succeeding a tenancy? Comment below, and join in on the conversation.

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