Callum Turner embraced brutal raw fish diet for modelling work

Callum Turner suffered through a brutal diet of raw fish during his days as a model.

The 'Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald' started his career modelling for brands including Next and Reebok before turning his hand to acting, and he's revealed he was forced to go on a crash diet because casting directors ordered him to lose six inches from his waistline to help him book jobs.

During his time working in Japan, he ate so much raw fish on his diet he earned himself a nickname. In an interview with the Independent newspaper, he explained: [I was called] Maguro man. It means tuna man! I had this one sushi place I went to everyday, I’d walk in and the chef would say, ‘maguro man’, because all I’d have for lunch is six pieces of tuna."

He went on to reveal he was asked to shrink from a 34 inch waist to 29 so he started eating a lot more raw fish. He added: "I had to lose loads of weight. It was hard, but I did it. I can be very militant with my mind ...

"I loved the travelling aspect [of modelling], but I couldn’t have pursued it [modelling]."

Callum was eventually able to turn his back on modelling after he started to land more acting jobs, but he says his early career choices made it difficult to get parts.

When asked if he felt his working class background affected his acting career, he told the publication: "I don’t know about that necessarily. It was the modelling that people had a hang-up over. It wasn’t about where I was from."

He added: "I think the thing about being working class and having no money is that you actually have to have another job. I worked three jobs; I worked in two different shops, and I worked in a bar just to pay my rent."