'Canada's Drag Race': Kiki Coe sets her sights on RuPaul after trying something new 'backfired'

"I just want to meet RuPaul and I just want to be judged by RuPaul. That's my next goal," Kiki said

Kiki Coe on Canada's Drag Race Season 4, on Crave
Kiki Coe on Canada's Drag Race Season 4, on Crave

Ottawa queen, 35-year-old Kiki Coe, had to say goodbye to Canada's Drag Race Season 4, after her cabaret-inspired performance in "From Drags to Riches: The Rusical," about Brooke Lynn Hytes' career, fell short for the judges.

"I'm feeling good about it," Kiki told Yahoo Canada. "I'm still proud of what I did on the show and I just can't wait for what's next to come."

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When it comes to the critiques she received from judges Brooke, Brad Goreski, Traci Melchor, and guest judge, The Real Housewives of New York and Crappie Lake star Luann De Lesseps, Kiki is understanding of the feedback.

"I am not a delusional girl, I always have a self reality check," Kiki said. "They didn't really say something that I disagree with strongly, we came there to be on the magnifying glass and to be looked at, and to be judged, and I think they just did it, rightfully."

While Kiki admits that being in the "Rusical" is outside of her comfort zone, it was still an exciting challenge.

"What I feel about it now is, if I'm going back in time, I wish I could have fought for the opera, because that was my style," Kiki said. "But you know, the judges had been [wanting] to see more of me, they wanted to see me challenge myself, and I did that, but it didn't pay off. It kind of backfired on me."

"At the end of the day, it was my choice. But that's something that I would change is to actually follow my gut and don't try new things in a competition, because that's not the place to try it."

'I just want to be in front of RuPaul'

Now that Canada's Drag Race is over for Kiki, this queen has her eyes on RuPaul.

"All Stars, a Global All Stars, UK vs the World, I just want to be in front of RuPaul," Kiki said. "I just want to meet RuPaul and I just want to be judged by RuPaul. That's my next goal."

"The other goal that I want to have is to work with big names in the fashion industry, brand names, to wear their creations and to do a collaboration with them. Because that would be a dream come true."

Kiki Coe on Canada's Drag Race Season 4, on Crave
Kiki Coe on Canada's Drag Race Season 4, on Crave

With Kiki turning out the looks on Drag Race, her philosophy is "more is more."

"I just need to make sure that everything is balanced," Kiki said. "They said sometimes less is more. No. I've got to put everything on and then I'm going to edit after that."

"See a look on my runways, none of them look the same. Even though I wear three gowns or four gowns, all those four gowns are still different styles, different textures and different shapes too. That's something that everybody needs to keep in mind when you're preparing for a runway, is make sure that nothing ... looks the same, because what's the point? That's your chance to show off who you are as an artist, so take advantage of that."

Kiki Coe rooting for Melinda Verga, Aurora Matrix and Venus

In terms of the queens Kiki is rooting for, now that she's out of the competition, she's giving her support to 44-year-old Melinda Verga from Edmonton, 23-year-old Aurora Matrix from Toronto and 27-year-old Venus from Vancouver.

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"I'm really hoping that Melinda does well, because she's my sister, we all know that she's kind of lacking on of the fashion side, the runway looks, but the competition is not only about the runways, and I think she has more to offer," Kiki said.

"Also, Aurora is my Asian sister and we haven't had an Asian winner in a while, and that would be great representation. And also, Venus is so fresh. She's the future of drag now, the way she portrays her drag is the future of drag. She is a representation of our Indigenous family. ... I think those three ... are really going to do well in the competition."