Canadian Town Celebrates Christmas In October For Terminally Ill Little Boy

Christmas has come early for one Canadian town - which is celebrating the festive season from October in honour of a terminally ill little boy.

Evan Leversage’s family decided to throw the 7-year-old an early holiday celebration after it was revealed he was losing his battle against brain cancer.

“I’ve already seen what cancer has done to Evan, and I wasn’t going to sit around and wait and see if it was going to steal a Christmas from him,” said his mother Nicole Wellwood.

But news of his tragic fate soon spread across St George, in Ontario.

Kindhearted residents and business owners then decided to also bring Christmas forward so he could enjoy the experience as much as possible.

Shops have already been transformed into winter wonderlands, and around 7,000 people turned up to a special parade on Saturday.

Snow machines have also been drafted into the town centre to give it a festive feel, according to WDHD.

Evan was also gifted a voice recording of Spongebob Square Pants, and a Batman hat from the family of Canadian pop star Justin Bieber.

In addition, he’s been made an honorary member of the local police department - since his dream was to one day become a law enforcement officer.