Candidate called 'white traitor' and supporters spat at during election campaign

Neil Duncan-Jordan will stand for Labour in Poole <i>(Image: PR)</i>
Neil Duncan-Jordan will stand for Labour in Poole (Image: PR)

A CANDIDATE and campaigners have been spat at and verbally abused while out campaigning ahead of next weeks’ general election.

The Labour parliamentary candidate for Poole, Neil Duncan-Jordan, said he and others have been targeted with ’disgusting and disrespectful’ comments.

He said he had been called a ‘white traitor’ and told that ‘Adolf Hitler had the right idea’.

Mr Duncan-Jordan has called on his counterparts in the election to distance themselves from antisemitism, racism and hate crime following a number of incidents he and his supporters have faced.

Mr Duncan-Jordan said: “In the last few days there have been three separate incidents that have caused me concern. I’ve been called a ‘white traitor’, one of my supporters was spat at and I was told that “Adolf Hitler had the right idea.”

“I think it’s important that all candidates in this election come out clearly and say that antisemitism, racism and fascist views have absolutely no place in modern Britain.

“Spitting at someone because you don’t like their political views is disgusting and disrespectful. We cannot allow this kind of behaviour to become the acceptable norm.”

The candidate has reported the incidents to the police.

A spokesperson for Dorset Police said on one incident: “We have received a report of a racially aggravated public order offence which occurred at around 6.30pm on Saturday 22 June 2024 at The New Inn in Wimborne Road in Poole.

“It is reported that the victim was verbally abused by a man inside the pub. Enquiries into the incident are ongoing. No arrests have been made.”

Relating to another incident, the spokesperson for the county force said: “We have received a report of a racially aggravated public order offence which occurred at around 3pm on Sunday 23 June 2024 in Baiter Park in Poole.

“It is reported that the victim was sat near the water when they were verbally abused by a man. Enquiries into the incident are ongoing. No arrests have been made.”

A full list of candidates standing in Poole can be found on the Bournemouth Echo website.