Cannabis dealer spared jail despite being caught selling the drug in town

Cannabis dealer spared jail despite being caught selling the drug in town <i>(Image: Newsquest)</i>
Cannabis dealer spared jail despite being caught selling the drug in town (Image: Newsquest)

A DRUG dealer arrested in Northwich has been spared jail.

Alexander Brown, of Wrenbury Drive, Northwich, was caught in the town on March 24 last year with cannabis on his person.

Following a police investigation, the 27-year-old was charged with possession of a class B drug, with intent to supply it to several people.

Brown pleaded guilty to the charge on April 4 this year before appearing at Chester Crown Court on June 25 for sentencing.

Recorder Michael Hayton handed Brown a 20-month prison sentence, but suspended the term for two years.

He also ordered the defendant to complete 180 hours of unpaid work within the next 12 months.