'I can't think of anything more despicable' - childminder jailed after killing baby she was trusted to look after

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-Credit: (Image: Lancashire Police)

Killer childminder Karen Foster has been jailed for 12 years and seven months in jail following the death of Harlow Collinge.

Nine-month-old Harlow was shaken 'in frustration' by the 62-year-old after he fell from a chair while under her care on March 1, 2022.

Today (June 13), Preston Crown Court heard how Harlow's parents had trusted Foster to look after their youngest child - but that trust had been betrayed.

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The court was told how Harlow suffered injuries typical of the "extreme end of what is seen in abusive head trauma". Foster had 'snapped' after the youngster fell from a chair while struggling to cope with the demands of caring for four children.

At the time Harlow was killed, the childminder was caring for more children than she was allowed under Ofsted rules. It was a decision she had made 'for financial reasons'.

Harlow's mum Gemma said: "How do I explain what it is like losing my son in the most horrific circumstances, his whole life taken away by a horrible individual who I trusted."

"Harlow was enjoying his little life. He had everything he needed, his love of us all was clear to see. He loved to sing with his sisters and laughing. I was enjoying being a new mum again. He made us all love life being with him. Our little bubble was all taken away in a split second."

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Harlow Collinge -Credit:Lancashire Police

"The moment I got a call saying Harlow had choked changed everything. I knew something was not right with this woman. My instincts were right, I took steps to change where he attended but he never got that chance."

She added: "I can still picture the room in Blackburn where we all sat, and the nerve of Karen Foster who could see the pain on our faces and continued to lie. She even put her arms around me, knowing what she had done."

"I can't think of anything more despicable."

Emergency services were called to an address Mill Lane, Hapton, at 1.19pm following a report the youngster had suffered a cardiac arrest. Baby Harlow was taken to Royal Blackburn Hospital where it was discovered he had significant and non-accidental injuries to his brain.

Despite the best efforts of medical professionals, Harlow sadly died on March 5. A post mortem examination revealed that Harlow's cause of death was inflicted traumatic brain injury.

Harlow's dad Allen Frangleton added: "Karen Foster's actions have destroyed me and us as a family. Our lives will never be the same again. I will never forget the five days he was in hospital dying in our arms. I hate this woman so much. The pain this evil woman put us through for two years is disgusting. All the lies and accusations, second guessing our son's death."

On March 1, Foster was arrested on suspicion of Section 18 grievous bodily harm. Following a 15 month investigation by Lancashire Constabulary, she was arrested on suspicion of murder.

She maintained her innocence until she was due to stand trial at Preston Crown Court. However on Friday June 7, 2024, she admitted she was responsible for killing baby Harlow. She pleaded not guilty to murder but guilty to manslaughter - a plea that was accepted by the prosecution.

The court heard Foster admit she had taken on too many children in her care at the time of Harlow's death.

Defending, Michelle Colbourne KC said: "During lockdown, Foster struggled to make a living, Her health was suffering and she was struggling to achieve the living standard she was used to. That is one reason she often said yes to caring for more children. She was looking after children of emergency workers."

"She feared her failing health meant she would not be able to continue working for much longer."

"The prosecution said she exaggerated her conditions in her benefit claim and down played her conditions to Ofsted. She should have understood her conditions meant she should take in fewer children, not more."