Car wash and fast food joint found to be employing illegal workers

Arrests were also made at a Poole car wash that was found to be employing illegal workers. <i>(Image: Poole Police)</i>
Arrests were also made at a Poole car wash that was found to be employing illegal workers. (Image: Poole Police)

POLICE were out in full force this week cracking down on illegal workers across the county.

Immigration Enforcement carried out a raid on Wareham Pizza and Kebab on June 20.

Two people were found to be working illegally inside the premises.

The fast food joint was served with a civil penalty notice.

Arrests were also made at a Poole car wash that was found to be employing illegal workers.

Poole Police detained two people this morning after it was discovered that they were found to be working illegally.

A spokesperson for Poole Police said: “The Poole NPT team has been out this morning following intelligence that a company in Poole had workers within without the right to remain within the UK.

“Checks were conducted on all persons working within and two were found to be illegally in the United Kingdom.

“Both persons were detained and will be assisting enquiries with immigration as the investigation continues.

“Stay safe out there.”