Cardiff City legends make their feelings clear on Erol Bulut as Vincent Tan told to make call

Cardiff City manager Erol Bulut -Credit:Geoff Caddick/REX/Shutterstock
Cardiff City manager Erol Bulut -Credit:Geoff Caddick/REX/Shutterstock

The future of Cardiff City manager Erol Bulut is just about the only show in town when it comes to topic of conversation for Bluebirds supporters.

The manager's contract expires in just five games' time and there is no talk of an extension to his current deal. The longer that goes on, the more likely, it seems, he will succumb to the same fate as Sabri Lamouchi last term.

Bulut's time in charge has not been perfect. His tactics have come under scrutiny for large parts of the season, while long periods of poor form also turned some of the early-season optimists into sceptics.

Nevertheless, Cardiff tasked Bulut with showing meaningful progress this season and taking a team which finished 21st last season to 11th with five games to go this term must have fulfilled the brief. Whether Vincent Tan sees it that way or not remains to be seen.

Here are the thoughts of some Cardiff City players, past and present, with regards to what they want to see happen with Bulut in the coming days and weeks.

READ MORE: Cardiff City loan star serves notice again as legend weighs in on Bulut future

READ MORE: Supporters' Trust urge Vincent Tan to make decision and club told 'nothing will change'

Danny Gabbidon – 'It's not ideal, it should have been sorted before now'

Speaking to WalesOnline about the manager's situation, former Bluebirds centre-back Danny Gabbidon said: "It’s not ideal and I think the situation is very Cardiff City from what we’ve seen over the last few seasons. There’s a lack of planning. It all seems undecided and it’s a situation that should have been sorted out before now.

"He’s kind of split opinion a little bit with the fanbase about whether he should stay or go. But I think if you break things down over the last three or four seasons, I think he’s done enough in my view to be given longer in the job to try and build. If you look at the Cardiff City plan and what they’re trying to do, it’s not a quick fix.

"There have been improvements. I understand some of the negativity, because there has been some inconsistency with some of the performances this season. But Cardiff City are not a quick fix, there’s been four or five seasons of mediocrity and failings, so unless you’re going to pay top, top dollar for a manager to come in there, that’s the only way you’re going to jump from being near the bottom to the play-offs.

"What were the expectations when he first came in? Was it to get to the play-offs just because they signed Aaron Ramsey? That’s ridiculous from where they were last season.

"I think if there was a willingness to give Sabri Lamouchi an extended deal back towards the end of last season, then I don’t see why you don’t give Erol Bulut one. As long as the players are all behind him, fighting and working for him.

"I think the recruitment, maybe not so much in January, was a lot better from what we’ve seen. Certainly you can look at the body of work at the start of the season and the way the team were playing. You could see a clear identity of what the manager was trying to do.

"As the season’s gone on, for some reason that identity’s been lost a bit. You can put that down to a number of things like injuries or maybe even bad results. They’ve probably gone away a bit from what was really of exciting at the start of this season and got the fans excited about maybe making the play-offs. You can look at that on its own and you can say that this is a manager capable of making this team perform better."

Joe Ralls – 'All the boys have enjoyed it with him'

Speaking to the Sportin Wales podcast, when asked if he wanted Bulut to stay, captain Joe Ralls said: "Of course. I've really enjoyed working with him. I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I think all the boys have enjoyed it with him.

“There’s been some ups and downs but it’s been quite a while since we’ve had a manager for a full season, so that’s helped us.

“First and foremost, you can see there is progression there and that we’re looking up.

“He’s a real nice fella. I really enjoyed working with him in pre-season. He set his stall out nice and early with the boys, the way he wanted to play and the way he wanted us to work.

“We’ve had a really good season. We don’t know the situation at the end of the season [with Bulut’s future] but we can look back and say that he’s helped us progress as a club this season. He's brought in some good players and we can look back with positivity."

Nathan Blake – 'Cardiff can't get success the way it's being run'

Ex-Cardiff forward Nathan Blake told the BBC: "Most fans know my position. You can't get success running a club the way it's being run. You will get short-term success, like we had under Neil Warnock, a one-off when all things came together and we played some really good football at times. But that doesn't happen often.

"If you are running a football club, your board, governance, recruitment, scouting, everything needs to be in place and as professional as it can be.

"Waiting for this all-seeing, Wizard of Oz-type character to make a decision, it's crazy. I don't think you can look at the three gentlemen at the top of the club and say they get decisions right more often than they get them wrong. Mehmet [Dalman] has spoken about having made many mistakes – and that's after a decade of being at the club.

"I don't expect anything to change. I just think that is the way it is. Unless the ownership model changes, nothing will change. Expect more of the same."

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Sol Bamba – 'If I could give advice to Cardiff it would be to tie him down'

Speaking to WalesOnline about Bulut's future, City legend Sol Bamba said: "I think they have found a good manager. Everyone says it and I can see from the way the team is playing that the players love him.

"If I could give advice to Cardiff it would be to tie him down, definitely.

"I think eventually they will and it would be the right thing to do because if you want to build anything, you have got to have consistency and a vision.

"I think if you give a manager one year, it's always hard to have a vision. So hopefully he can sign a new deal and move forward."

Manolis Siopis – 'We must know if he is staying or not'

Speaking at last week's press conference, midfielder Manolis Siopis said: ""He is the guy who brought me to this club and this country, it's important [he stays].

"If you ask me my opinion, we must know if he is staying or not because they must make plans for next year. We have just one month [left]. I want him to stay, of course.

"This is a question you must ask the owner, but we must know. We will see."

Ian Walsh – 'Where is the club going? Fans have got to stand up now'

Former Cardiff striker Ian Walsh told the BBC: “How can you run a professional organisation and be in this situation where you have got a manager who has got to 56 points? Five games to go, let’s say they just get four points – it’s 60 points in a season where nobody expected anything from them.

“This should have been sorted out in January. Irrespective of whether you feel Bulut is the man for the job – and I know fans are saying he is not up to it – he has achieved things at Cardiff City that a lot of people thought were never going to happen this season.

“Yes it’s been fluctuating but overall you have to make a decision for the manager and for the players. Where is the club going? The fans have got to stand up now and demand something from Vincent Tan.”

Supporters' Trust – 'We strongly urge the owner to make a decision'

Bulut, whose one-year contract expires at the end of this season, has repeatedly stated his desire to extend his stay at Cardiff - but the club have not yet offered him a new deal.

In a statement on Saturday, the Supporters' Trust's board said: “We are reliably informed that the decision on who shall be the club’s manager for the 2024-25 season, and on what terms, has been solely in the hands of club owner Vincent Tan for some time.

“The Trust Board understands that as of today he has not made a decision on whether or not a new contract should be offered to the current manager Erol Bulut or the search should begin for a new manager.

“We strongly urge the owner to make that decision as speedily as possible to remove growing uncertainties and disquiet amongst fans about the matter.

"Cardiff City fans deserve certainty, given that at this time they are being asked to renew their season tickets or become new season ticket holders.”