Caroline Flack's mother shares support for Schofield

Caroline Flack's mother has shown her support for Phillip Schofield.

Phillip, 61, recently revealed during a BBC interview that he has been left feeling suicidal since "losing everything" amid his 'This Morning' exit and Caroline's mother Christine has publicly shared her support for Phillip.

She told BBC's 'Newsnight': "It's bad enough when it's in private, but when it's in every single paper and first thing on the news. It's just ridiculous. Wait to see what happens.

"Let's hope for the best. I send my regard to Phillip and the young lad, and hope they get over this. Don't do anything silly. You've got your daughters, you've got your friends."

Caroline died by suicide in 2020 after hearing she was going to be prosecuted for allegedly assaulting her boyfriend and her mother insisted ITV - who Caroline hosted 'Love Island' for - have not learned anything from her death.

She said: "They haven't learned anything. They haven't.

"But they're not commodities, they're people. And they're employed. And if my employer didn't take care of me, there'd be all hell to pay. And there's not. They're just sidelined, and they're not protected."

Meanwhile, Phillip recently insisted his daughters, Molly, 30, and 27-year-old Ruby, are the only reason he is still alive.

He told the BBC: "I have brought myself down. I am done. I have to talk about television in the past tense which breaks my heart. But it continues and it is relentless and it is day after day after day after day and if you do that, then don't think that is going to have the most catastrophic effect on someone's you want me to die? Because that's where I am. I have lost everything.

"My girls saved my life. They said last week...they hadn't left me for a moment, they'd been by my side every moment because they're scared to let me out of their sight. What is that like for daughters to have to go through something like that? And they said to me 'Don't you dare do this on our watch, we're supposed to be looking after you!' And if my girls hadn't been there, I wouldn't be here because I don't see a future. And so how much do you want a man to take, and are you truly only happy when he's dead? This is how Caroline Flack felt."