WATCH Shocking video shown in court of pensioner just missing cars head on

Smallbrook Lane in Ryde where Paul Mudie drove dangerously. <i>(Image: Google Maps)</i>
Smallbrook Lane in Ryde where Paul Mudie drove dangerously. (Image: Google Maps)

SHOCKING video played in court showed how a speeding Isle of Wight pensioner in a Citroen C3, narrowly avoided colliding head on with two oncoming cars.


Paul Mudie, of Mitchells Avenue, Ryde, was warned by magistrates he may be dealt with by an Isle of Wight Crown Court judge.

The 75-year-old admitted dangerous driving and failing to stop after a road traffic accident, on Smallbrook Lane, Ryde, on April 24.

At around 5pm that day, police were called to a road traffic incident, following a report Mudie had 'drifted' at high speed onto the wrong side of the road — hitting and 'scraping' the side of an oncoming car and taking off its wing mirror, before he sped off, said Lauren Stone, prosecuting.

Police went to Mudie's address and immediately saw damage to his Citroen. Mudie confirmed he was the culprit in the accident.

Evidence produced of Mudie's poor driving — dash cam footage from the car following the one he struck — was played to the court.

The footage showed Mudie taking a bend at high speed and crossing onto the wrong side of he carriageway — just missing an oncoming vehicle by inches, but striking the driver's side of the next car, before swerving onto the correct side.

Mudie, with no previous convictions and a previously unblemished driving record of more than 50 years, had used his wife's car and could not explain to the police what happened, said his solicitor, Oscar Vincent.

"He has mobility issues and was unable to leave the vehicle, so felt it was OK to leave the scene," said Mr Vincent.

"He has surrendered his driving licence — and has not driven since.

"Sadly, since the incident, he has exhibited symptoms of the onset of dementia."

Magistrates ordered a report on Mudie and handed him an interim driving disqualification — bailing him to reappear for sentencing at the same venue on August 9.

Presiding magistrate, Gordon Cooper, warned Mudie sentencing for the next bench would not be restricted by keeping the case in the magistrates' court, indicating an option to commit sentencing to the Isle of Wight Crown Court may be considered.