Carshalton dad dances in leotard skirt for the hospital that saved his life

Lewis Hughes has joined his daughters' dance class to raise money for Great Ormond Street Hospital <i>(Image: Ezekiel Bertrand)</i>
Lewis Hughes has joined his daughters' dance class to raise money for Great Ormond Street Hospital (Image: Ezekiel Bertrand)

A dad from Carshalton joined his daughters’ dance class in a leotard skirt to raise money for the hospital that saved his life when he was a child.

On May 21, Lewis Hughes joined his two daughters Ava and Alexis at TheatreBug Dance club in Hackbridge to raise money for Great Ormond Street Hospital.

After the class, which left everyone giggling, Lewis told Your Local Guardian: “Today was uncomfortable, to say the least.

“It’s not every day I get into a suit like this, but it was all for a great cause.

“Great Ormond Street Hospital was very close to me as I was there for a good part of six months when I was seven-years-old.”

(Image: Ezekiel Bertrand)

Lewis was diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis, which is a rare muscle disorder when he was seven.

After several weeks of being "ignored and undiagnosed" by the GP, Lewis spent six months at Great Ormond Street.

He experienced frequent falls and couldn't use his arms to break his falls.

He also had to physically push his jaw shut to eat because his muscles weren't working.

The doctors were concerned about his heart and warned him that if he hadn't been admitted when he was, there was a significant risk he might not have survived.

While it was first intended to be just for the laugh, Lewis’ wife Lisa realised that joining the class would be a great way for him to raise money for the charity.

Zoe Hughes, the teacher at TheatreBug Dance, led the class through a new routine which they performed to Tangled’s When Will My Life Begin?

(Image: Ezekiel Bertrand)

She said: “We normally do the Father’s Day event where we invite fathers of the students in to participate with the routines and things like that.

“We’re doing this mainly to raise awareness, but we thought it would be nice to get Lewis in the kit and all that jazz so he can actually get involved and raise money for Great Ormond Street.”

Lewis’s daughter Ava said: “Today was really interesting and my dad made me laugh and I just loved it.”

Lewis raised more than £200 and he hopes to keep raising more.

Anyone can donate to Lewis on his JustGiving page.

Lewis said: “Any amount, big or small, would be greatly appreciated to help fund the amazing work this charity do in helping save the lives of children and supporting families through their worst possible time.

“Great Ormond Street is the only charity you’ll catch me in a leotard for.”