Celtic 'captain' sets fuming Graeme Souness off as Rangers icon raises the decibels to lampoon double error

Fizzing Graeme Souness lampooned the role of Callum McGregor for Germany's second goal as the Rangers hero took a dim view over the 'Celtic captain's' rationale on a night to forget.

The Liverpool icon was spooked by the errors at half time but had turned ashen-faced by the final whistle as he aired his grievances with the Parkhead leader and his decision to twice gamble on nicking the ball away from world class opponents. And Souness' decision to label McGregor by team and role at Parkhead rather than name caught the attention on social media – before he named him later on in the ensuing dressing down.

Souness, exasperated after watching his country being served up a trouncing, said on ITV: "Gundogan, again, great turn, he slips Havertz in, back to Musiala, wrong foots the Celtic captain, yet again, that's two in the same move. He tries to nick it here, Callum McGregor, and he gets back in, he tries to nick it again – just stay goalside and stop the effort on your goal."

Roy Keane believes Scotland proved out their depth and now Steve Clarke has five days to conjure up a redemption bid when Scotland takes on Switzerland. Scotland haven't won a game at a major tournament since 1996 and know a result against the Swiss is imperative if they are to exit a group stage for the first time in history.