Celtic diehard smells unrest brewing as Rangers urged to sign superstar and man who doesn't exist – Hotline

The Premiership fixtures are out and after Scotland's humbling at the Euros, Hotline punters are looking forward to the real stuff starting. Well, sort of...

Rangers kick things off against Hearts at Tynecastle and Robert Livingstone, Palm Beach, said: "No mistake, it really is a tough opener for Rangers at Tynecastle. Hearts have a strong side of good players and of course there's the Lawrence Shankland factor who will be out to prove a point to a stubborn Philippe Clement and why he should have signed him. Looks a game worth watching there should be plenty excitement with attacking football from both."

Dr Robert S Pender put a certain Luka Modric on the shopping list as he said: "Rangers could use an old head with talent to lead the new look squad. What about the Croatian captain? He is nearing the end of his time at Real Madrid. Just one year would be beneficial." Tongue in cheek there ... you hope.

Ian Renton, Johnstone, had a more realistic ambition as he joked: "I think Rangers should be looking to the Euros for a new goalscorer. We should be signing the goalscorer who has been one of the surprises of the European Championships. I am, of course, referring to Owen Gol. I have been impressed with the variety of goals he has scored. Some simple taps ins and others that are out of this world. If Rangers don’t get cracking, other teams will become aware of him, as he continues to rattle in the goals on the way to the final."

A detour across the city as Kenny Wilson, Moffat, said: "I’m sure it’s too early for Celtic fans to be worrying about signings I’m sure we don’t want any rash signing or panic buys especially with the keeper. Remember Barkas! Imagine being linked with Kenny McLean! Surely this season the board will realise major investment in the squad is needed and quality brought in to avoid further embarrassment in Europe, if not the fans are not going to be happy."

And Jim McClean, Rothesay, said: "I really feel sorry for the Celtic support, Celtic need to open the biscuit tin early to get players in before the season starts to bed them in, at least Rangers are signing players, albeit second class players or unknowns. Even my own team Killie, the silence is deafening as we need two or three players to progress."

And now for the bickering as Alan Flett emailed: "What planet is Gordon Ashley from? He’s excited about the millions his club have in the bank but, what does he suppose they are going to do with all their money? Celtic signed 12 players over the course of last season, yet none of them started the Scottish Cup final."

Let's throw the ball over to Gordon Ashley, Ayr, himself. He said: "I would like to ask Gary Stevenson who keeps referring to me as the encyclopaedia of drivel on the Hotline, if he can tell me what is drivel about saying that Rangers will have a tiny budget while the champions have a massive budget and are a bigger more successful football club who continually beat his team at every ground under every manager in every competition they play in."

Poor Gary was getting it from all angles as Arrin Geddes, Irvine, said: "Gary Stevenson’s jealousy of Celtic’s disco lights is now painful. Obviously if his club could afford them they would also have them and if he checks the big Scottish Football Encyclopaedia he’ll find some interesting facts on trophies won in the last decade."

Georgia showed Scotland how it was done at Euro 2024 as they beat Portugal to qualify. Andy Lanigan, Bishopbriggs, said: "I hope our footballers were watching Georgia beating Portugal. A smaller nation than us, showing everything we didn't. Skill, fight, tenacity, confidence, togetherness. Magnificent. Congrats to another small nation, Slovenia also through. Makes our exit look even more dismal and limp."

And Brian Duff, Glenrothes, said: "Watched Georgia v Portugal the passion and commitment from their team brought a tear to the eye. Scotland are needing to send our team to Georgia and let them show us how it's done. Our players turn up, wear the blue of Scotland and say 'look at me mum I'm playing for Scotland' SAD."