Cheshire woman who wanted lips 'like Kardashians' shares regrets

A mum who got lip fillers for the trend after being influenced by the Kardashians now regrets having them done and has been left with saggy dissolved lips.
-Credit: (Image: Lorna Holmes © SWNS)

A Cheshire woman has spoken about her regret after attempting to copy Kim Kardashian's iconic look led to "saggy" lips. Hailing from Winsford, Lorna Holmes was captivated by celebrity influences like the Kardashians and opted for lip enhancements.

At 23 yeas old, she spent £300 on 3mls of lip filler over a two-year span. While initially content with the look, Lorna came to the realisation that her external changes did not bring her any sense of happiness.

Now 28, Lorna is openly discussing her journey and warning others against cosmetic procedures driven by fleeting trends. The hairdresser and influencer said she had admired the Kardashians since the age of 15.

She said: "Seeing their changes was biggest thing for me. I wanted to have fillers done. I wanted a quick fix. I thought by doing that it would make me happier."

Despite liking her fuller lips, she realised it didn't address her deeper desires. Lorna said: "I liked my lips but it still didn't change what I wanted. Changing my appearance didn't make me happy," Wales Online wrote.

Lorna decided to get fillers done herself at age 23 and had 3ml injected over two years, worth £300.
Lorna decided to get fillers done herself at age 23 and had 3ml injected over two years, worth £300. -Credit:Lorna Holmes © SWNS

Lorna reflected on her past mindset and the desire to alter her self-image: "I really disliked who I was. I wanted to change everything about myself and my mindset. I thought by changing my exterior it would help."

Looking back with a critical eye, she expressed regret: "My start off point I had full lips but I should have been told no. When I look back at pictures now I think why did no one stop me? ".

Lorna first found confidence in her choices, but later realised during counselling sessions in 2021 that they were not the long-term solution to her mental health issues.

Now grappling with the "aftermath" of permanently stretched lips following the dissolution of her lip fillers, she shared: "Having it dissolved I now have saggy lips. I don't smoke but it looks like I do smoke but I'm not bothered about it anymore."

She advises other women only to consider such actions if they're truly confident it will contribute to their happiness. However, she warns young women who might make these decisions without adequate research or introspection.

"Don't just have it done because everybody is doing it or just because everyone on the telly is doing it. I don't think a quick fix by cosmetics is going fix how you feel inside."

"It's not about your face. It's about how you treat others and speak to yourself. Remember to talk to yourself nicely. It's about working from within."

She no longer watches reality TV and worries about the impact such shows could have on young impressionable girls, stating: "I don't think I idolise any celebrities or influencers anymore."

"I want to idolise myself and love myself the way I loved the Kardashians. I feel [Love Island] should get some more realer looking girls that haven't had work done to give people who are on the fence about having work done someone to look up to. It's not a fix you should have because it's a trend."

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