Blair did NOT tell the cabinet that the attorney general initially advised the Iraq War would be illegal

Tony Blair decided not to show his cabinet legal advice that presented conflicting opinions on whether going to war against Iraq was legal or not in January 2003. The initial advice in January 2003 from former attorney general Lord Peter Goldsmith was that the war would NOT be legal.  But Goldsmith changed his mind in late February after talking to the White House and then advised that war could be justified. The cabinet only saw Goldsmith's second, formal presentation of legal advice on March 7, 2003. That advice said that there was a "reasonable case" that war would be legal despite the UN Security Council declining to vote on a second resolution on Iraq's compliance with weapons inspections. The war started 13 days later, on March 20. Cabinet did not see alternative legal opinions on legality of war

iraqwar4 chilcot iraq inquiry
iraqwar4 chilcot iraq inquiry

One of the most extraordinary parts of the Chilcot report revolves around the question of whether going to war in Iraq was legal. 

The report indicates that Blair did not tell his cabinet that he had received advice in January 2003 from the attorney general that with only one UN Security Council resolution in hand and absent a second, there may not be a legal basis for war.

The cabinet was only fully briefed on a second round of legal advice from Goldsmith, by which time Goldsmith had changed his mind. Goldsmith told the inquiry he did not know why he changed his mind, but it was this change that provided the legal "green light" for Blair to get the backing of his cabinet for war.

The report draws no conclusions from this sequence of events. But a layperson could easily speculate that had the cabinet seen all the legal advice from Goldsmith, and been made aware of his change of mind, that it may not have been as supportive for Blair's war policy.   

Throughout the entire sequence, the report indicates, Blair never changed his mind: He believed a war was coming and there needed to be a legal basis for it, or at least a defensible one.  

Cabinet was not given alternative legal advice on the war. 

This is the relevant section of the Chilcot Report:

  • Cabinet was provided with the text of [former attorney general] Lord Goldsmith’s Written Answer to Baroness Ramsey setting out the legal basis for military action.

  • That document represented a statement of the Government’s legal position – it did not explain the legal basis of the conclusion that Iraq had failed to take "the final opportunity" to comply with its disarmament obligations offered by resolution 1441.

  • Cabinet was not provided with written advice which set out, as the advice of 7 March had done, the conflicting arguments regarding the legal effect of resolution 1441 and whether, in particular, it authorised military action without a further resolution of the Security Council.

  • The advice should have been provided to Ministers and senior officials whose responsibilities were directly engaged and should have been made available to Cabinet.

In January 2003, just months before the war, Lord Goldsmith — Blair's legal adviser on the upcoming conflict — initially believed war would not be legally justified.

The report says:

166. As agreed with Mr Powell on 19 December 2002, Lord Goldsmith handed his
draft advice to Mr Blair on 14 January 2003.

167. The draft advice stated that a further decision by the Security Council would
be required to revive the authorisation to use force contained in resolution 678
(1990) although that decision did not need to be in the form of a further resolution.

168. Lord Goldsmith saw no grounds for self-defence or humanitarian
intervention providing the legal basis for military action in Iraq.

169. Lord Goldsmith’s draft advice did not explicitly address the possibility,
identified by the Law Officers in 1997, of other "exceptional circumstances"
arising if the international community "as a whole" had accepted that Iraq had
repudiated the cease-fire, but the Security Council was "unable to act".

The report then adds:

190. In his draft advice of 14 January 2003, Lord Goldsmith wrote that: "In ruling out the use of force without a further decision of the Council, I am not saying that other circumstances may not arise in which the use of force may be justified on other legal grounds, eg if the conditions for self-defence or humanitarian intervention were met. However, at present, I have seen nothing to suggest there would be a legal justification on either of these bases."

After receiving this advice, prime minister Tony Blair set about trying to find the kind of circumstances that would permit a "self-defence" justification for war that would cause Goldsmith's advice to change:

199. Given the consistent and unambiguous advice of the FCO Legal Advisers from March 2002 onwards and Lord Goldsmith’s advice from 30 July 2002, that self-defence could not provide a basis for military action in Iraq, the Inquiry has seen nothing to support Mr Blair’s idea that a self-defence argument might be

200. Lord Goldsmith’s draft advice stated that: "It was proposed before Christmas that it would be worthwhile to discuss the negotiation of the resolution and particularly the genesis of the words ‘for assessment’ with Sir Jeremy Greenstock. It is not clear if and when he will be able to come to London for such a meeting."74

201. Mr Powell sent an undated note to Mr Blair advising: "We should get Jeremy Greenstock over to suggest alternatives to him."

202. Mr Blair replied to Mr Powell: "We need to explore, especially (a) whether we c[oul]d revive the self-defence etc arguments or (b) whether the UNSCR [sic] c[oul]d have a discussion, no resolution authorising force but nonetheless the terms of the discussion and/or decision, make it plain there is a breach."

Tony Blair did not tell his cabinet that the legal advice he had received in January was that going to war would not be legal.

The report says:

231. Mr Blair’s decision to ask for Lord Goldsmith’s draft advice and his invitation to Lord Goldsmith to attend Cabinet suggest that he intended the advice to inform discussion in Cabinet on 16 January.

232. But Mr Blair did not reveal that he had received Lord Goldsmith’s draft advice which indicated that a further determination by the Security Council that Iraq was in material breach of its obligations would be required to authorise the revival of the authority to take military action in resolution 678.

233. As the Attorney General, Lord Goldsmith was the Government’s Legal Adviser not just the Legal Adviser to Mr Blair.

234. There is no evidence that Mr Straw was aware of Lord Goldsmith’s draft advice before Cabinet on 16 January, although he was aware of Lord Goldsmith’s position.

235. There is no evidence that Lord Goldsmith had communicated his concerns to Mr Hoon or to any other member of Cabinet.

236. Mr Blair’s decision not to invite Lord Goldsmith to speak meant that Cabinet Ministers, including those whose responsibilities were directly engaged, were not informed of the doubts expressed in Lord Goldsmith’s draft advice about the legal basis of the UK’s policy.

Goldsmith went to lengths to make sure that Blair understood he had no legal grounds for war in late January.

The report says:

289. Despite being told that advice was not needed for Mr Blair’s meeting with President Bush on 31 January, Lord Goldsmith wrote on 30 January to emphasise that his view remained that resolution 1441 did not authorise the use of military force without a further determination by the Security Council.

290. That was the third time Lord Goldsmith had felt it necessary to put his advice to Mr Blair in writing without having been asked to do so; and on this occasion he had been explicitly informed that it was not needed.

291. Lord Goldsmith had made only a "provisional" interpretation of resolution 1441, but his position was firmly and clearly expressed.

292. It was also consistent with the advice given by Mr Wood to Mr Straw...

After consulting with US president George W. Bush, Blair then set about making the public case that there should be a second resolution from the Security Council, laying a proper foundation for war. 

On February 24, 2003, the UN security council failed to vote on a second resolution on the authorization of force, thus depriving Blair of the final legal justification he hoped for to justify the war. 

Then Goldsmith mysteriously changed his mind.

In late February, the report says, the Blair administration decided that Goldsmith's initial advice that war was not legally justified should not be made public. At the same time, despite the UN balking at a second resolution, Goldsmith's views were changing.

On February 27, 2003, Goldsmith met with Blair's legal advisors in No.10 Downing Street. Somewhat mysteriously, this meeting was not documented, the report says, "There is no No.10 record of the 27 February meeting."

But at that meeting, Goldsmith changed his advice to the government. His notes reflect that "that a reasonable case can be made that resolution 1441 is capable of reviving the authorisation in 678 without a further resolution if there are strong factual grounds for concluding that Iraq has failed to take the final opportunity. In other words we would need to demonstrate hard evidence of non-compliance and non-co-operation."

The report says Goldsmith "did not know why" he changed his mind and gave Blair the "green light."

The report says:

467. Lord Goldsmith told the Inquiry that he did not know why he had not informed No.10 that there was a reasonable case before 27 February. He said: "After I came back from the United States … I had taken the view there was a reasonable case. A draft was produced which reflected that. I don’t know why it took me until 27 February, but that may have been the first time there was a meeting. I met with Jonathan Powell, Sir David Manning and Baroness Morgan and told them that I had been very much assisted in my considerations by Jeremy Greenstock, the Americans – I may have mentioned Jack Straw as well, and I was able to tell them that it was my view that there was a reasonable case."

468. Lord Goldsmith added: "Obviously, I had prepared what I was going to say. Then – so I told them – and
I had given them, therefore, as I saw it, and as I believe they saw it … the green light, if you will, that it was lawful to take military action, should there not be a second resolution and should it be politically decided that that was the right course to take."

"A reasonable case can be made."

On March 7, 2003, Goldsmith gave Blair his formal advice on the technical meaning of the one Security Council resolution authorising force, even though the council had not passed a second resolution.

He concluded that if the facts clearly showed that Iraq was in violation of the first Security Council resolution then that resolution alone was enough to legally justify war. He wrote:  

"Nevertheless, having regard to the information on the negotiating history which I have been given and to the arguments of the US Administration which I heard in Washington, I accept that a reasonable case can be made that resolution 1441 is capable in principle of reviving the authorisation in 678 without a further resolution."

556. Lord Goldsmith added that that would: "… only be sustainable if there are strong factual grounds for concluding that Iraq has failed to take the final opportunity. In other words, we would need to be able
to demonstrate hard evidence of non-compliance and non-co-operation. Given the structure of the resolution as a whole, the views of UNMOVIC and the IAEA will be highly significant in this respect. In the light of the latest reporting by UNMOVIC, you will need to consider extremely carefully whether the evidence … is sufficiently
compelling to justify the conclusion that Iraq has failed to take the final opportunity."  

Goldsmith told Blair that even though there was a "reasonable case" in favour of war, it was not a *clear-cut* case.

In the report, Goldsmith says:

I wanted to … underline to the Prime Minister that I was saying that reasonable case is enough. I’m saying it is a reasonable case. So that is the green light … but I want to underline, ‘Please don’t misunderstand, a reasonable case doesn’t mean of itself that, if this matter were to go to court, you would necessarily win’. ‘On the other hand, the counter view can reasonably be maintained’."

Another cabinet meeting took place on March 17, 2003, at which Goldsmith provided a legal public rationale for action. The reports says:

485. Lord Goldsmith told Cabinet that it was “plain” that Iraq had failed to comply with its obligations and continued to be in “material breach” of the relevant Security Council resolutions. The authority to use force under resolution 678 was, “as a result”, revived. Lord Goldsmith said that there was no need for a further resolution.

486. Cabinet was not provided with written advice which set out, as the advice of 7 March had done, the conflicting arguments regarding the legal effect of resolution 1441 and whether, in particular, it authorised military action without a further resolution of the Security Council.

The UK joined with the US in starting the Iraq War on March 20, 2003.

The 2.6 million-word Iraq Inquiry, dubbed "the Chilcot Inquiry," is the culmination of a huge investigation that was launched by former Prime Minister Gordon Brown in 2009 into the United Kingdom's involvement in the war in Iraq. The report, which is estimated to have cost over £10 million of taxpayers' money, has been chaired by former senior civil servant Sir John Chilcot.

The seven-year investigation into the United Kingdom's decision to go to war in Iraq in 2003 covers political decisions made between 2001 and 2009 relating to the run-up to the UK's intervention, the military action itself, and the aftermath of the conflict.


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See Also:

SEE ALSO: CHILCOT IRAQ INQUIRY LIVE: The legal basis for the UK's involvement in the Iraq war was 'far from satisfactory'