China calls for 'reasonable' local government bond issuance in 2017

BEIJING (Reuters) - China's finance ministry on Tuesday issued rules for local-government bonds this year, telling regional governments to set "reasonable" bond issuance plans for 2017 and to control the pace of debt sales. Local governments must be mindful of bond market conditions and macroeconomic trends in order to guard against risks in bond issuance, the Ministry of Finance said. The government has tightened controls in recent years on new local-government debt to help ward off financial risks following a borrowing binge since the global financial crisis. The bonds issued by each regional government this year cannot exceed a ceiling set by the Ministry of Finance, the rules said, with the amount issued in any one quarter not to exceed 30 percent of the total quota for the year. Local governments must be vigilant in the use of proceeds from bond sales, with funds raised through a debt-swap programme only allowed to be used to pay back principle on previous debt, while mechanisms should also be in place to ensure interest is paid on time. Authorities should also make efforts to improve secondary market liquidity and expand the base of investors in local-government bonds to non-financial firms and individuals, the ministry said. China capped the rise in outstanding local-government debt at 17.2 trillion yuan in 2016, up from 16 trillion in 2015, excluding bonds issued under a debt swap scheme. The ministry said in November local-government debt was under control and the debt burden would not show a big change this year. Local governments need to submit their annual bond issuance plans by March 31, with first quarter plans due by Feb. 28, the ministry said in its rules. (Reporting by Kevin Yao and Elias Glenn; Editing by Robert Birsel)