China unchanged on Ukraine stance as it avoids risking a diplomatic failure

Jinping, Macron, Ursula - Ludovic Marin/Pool via REUTERS
Jinping, Macron, Ursula - Ludovic Marin/Pool via REUTERS

China has not changed its position on Ukraine despite overtures made during a three-day visit by Emmanuel Macron, the French president, and Ursula von der Leyen, the European Commission president.

China’s Xi Jinping reiterated his willingness to speak with Volodymyr Zelensky, the Ukrainian president, but did not specify a timeframe.

Instead, he only said such a conversation would happen when the “conditions and time are right”, recalled Ms von der Leyen.

Those few words underscore Beijing’s position – that Mr Xi will do what he feels necessary, when he feels necessary, regardless of what anyone says.

China’s foreign policy is based on creating a more favourable environment for itself on the world stage. By not having too much skin in the game, Beijing can avoid risking a diplomatic failure, which would be embarrassing for a strongman like Mr Xi.

Thus its propaganda machine rumbles on – calls for peace and accusations against the US for fomenting war by sending weapons to Ukraine – these are all aimed at making it appear that China has the moral high ground.

Xi Jinping Putin - Pavel Byrkin, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP
Xi Jinping Putin - Pavel Byrkin, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP

Still, Western leaders, including Mr Macron and Ms von der Leyen, have continued to press Mr Xi to leverage his friendship with Putin and play a bigger role in negotiations.

The idea of Beijing as an effective power broker between Russia and Ukraine was made all the more plausible after its recent surprise success in negotiating the resumption of diplomatic ties between Saudi Arabia and Iran. The foreign ministers of both countries met in Beijing on Thursday for the first formal gathering of their top diplomats in more than seven years.

But China, despite calling for a ceasefire in Ukraine – and positioning itself as a potential mediator – has never made specific proposals on how to reach a peaceful resolution.

In any case, whether China would remain neutral in talks to do so remains unclear – Mr Xi’s close ties to Mr Putin could just as equally be problematic.

Until now, China has refused to denounce Putin for his war in Ukraine, and to categorise it as an “invasion,” instead referring to it as a “crisis.”

Xi has also touted a “no-limits” friendship between China and Russia, meeting and speaking with Putin several times over the last year since the war began in February 2022 – but noticeably not with Mr Zelensky.

Of all three heads of state, perhaps Mr Xi could declare the biggest win after the joint Macron-von der Leyen visit, as it gave him an opportunity to pull the EU away from the US, and also drive a wedge within the EU as member states have differing views on how to engage Beijing.

But perhaps most of it all, it highlighted the yawning cultural and political gap between East and West.

In joint remarks, Mr Xi gave a short, prepared statement – the norm for a man who doesn’t like surprises, in charge of the world’s biggest political party with 100 million members,

Mr Macron, on the other hand, spoke with a more convivial manner, holding court for more than twice as long as his Chinese counterpart – something that Mr Xi is likely unused to.

He even looked uncomfortable when addressed directly by Mr Macron, gave several deep sighs as the French president spoke, and seemed impatient, ready for it all to be over.

Whether or not it was Mr Xi’s intention, his non-verbal cues reflected what his public remarks have long made clear – that the US-led West is in decline, that Beijing won’t be dictated to by the West, and that a new world order, with China at the helm, is fast on the rise.