Church of England to debate blessings for same-sex couples

Hereford cathedral
Bridge over the river Wye and Hereford cathedral, in the diocese that has made the proposal. Photograph: Chris Mellor/Getty Images/Lonely Planet Images

The Church of England will debate blessings for same-sex couples for the first time after a motion to discuss the issue was put forward by the diocese of Hereford.

Under the proposals put forward by the diocesan synod, official Church of England services would be held after a couple has formed a civil partnership or married in a secular ceremony.

The plans fall short of calling for same-sex wedding services to take place in church but priests would be allowed to offer a formal blessing to couples.

The bishop of Hereford, the Rt Rev Richard Frith, said the motion was a response to requests from same-sex couples to perform the services informally. “Clergy are already encouraged to respond pastorally and sensitively when approached,” he said. “The motion, which is part of a much wider debate, asks for guidance on materials to be used in affirming and praying with same-sex couples.”

Under the proposals, individual priests and churches would be allowed to opt out of the blessing services.

The progressive OneBodyOneFaith group said it was delighted with the vote. “Support for such a motion in a predominantly rural diocese like Hereford reflects what many of our members and supporters know to be true – that in communities across the country, in all kinds of contexts, there is widespread support for affirming same-sex couples and being alongside them as they experience the joy and blessing of their relationships,” it said in a statement.

Some traditionalists have criticised the idea. Suzie Leafe, director of a conservative evangelical group Reform, told the BBC: “Marriage [is] a lifelong relationship between a man and a woman and this has been – and still is – the understanding of the vast majority of the worldwide church for two millennia. To ask for a service of prayer and dedication for a same-sex relationship represents a fundamental departure from this teaching.”

A spokesperson for the Church of England said: “The diocesan synod’s decision does not change the teaching or practice of the Church of England, whether in Hereford or anywhere else in the Church.

“Clergy of the Church of England are unable to marry couples of the same sex and, under the House of Bishops’ pastoral statement on same sex marriage, ‘services of blessing’ should not be provided for those who enter into civil partnerships or same-sex marriages.

“It is recognised, however, that there is real and profound disagreement in the Church of England over questions relating to human sexuality and the House of Bishops has recently embarked on the preparation of a major new teaching document on marriage and sexuality.”