Closed road through centre of Cornwall village opened early ending big diversions!

The road through Mylor Bridge was re-opened yesterday afternoon <i>(Image: Packet Staff)</i>
The road through Mylor Bridge was re-opened yesterday afternoon (Image: Packet Staff)

Major road works to install traffic calming and pavements through the centre of Mylor Bridge have finished – more than a week early.

The road through the centre of Mylor Bridge re-opened on Wednesday evening nine days before the work was due to be completed on July 3.

Lemon Hill has been closed to traffic since June 10 to allow improvement works to the section of road between the bridge itself and Trevellan Road.

Priority is now given to those going out of the village (Image: Packet Staff)

Local residents had complained about how dangerous the road is with many drivers using it as a “rat-run” to get to and from work avoiding the A39 and no pavements along its route.

The road is regularly used by parents and their children to get to Mylor Bridge School, with school groups using it to get to the playing fields across the bridge.

The junction of Trevellan Road is now further out (Image: Packet Staff)

The works have provided a new pavement from the Trevellan Road junction, to join the existing pavement nearer the bridge and for traffic calming measures to facilitate this.

The road has been narrowed at the entrance to the bridge with a build out giving priority to traffic coming one way.

The road has been narrowed by a new pedestrian footpath (Image: Packet Staff)

The closure forced cars wanting to get through the village to take a wide detour. It led to many vehicle ignoring the signs and either being forced to turn around or meeting vehicles coming the other way along the single lane and being forced to reverse. In one incident the rear light of a high end Range Rover was smashed when it reversed into a wall.

The closure led to clashes between construction workers and drivers who tried to get through by removing the barriers. One incident is being investigated by police and resulted in them putting up a police road closed sign to deter errant motorists.