Feb. 2—50 Extension Homemakers

The 50 Extension Homemakers met at the Extension Office Jan. 17, 2024. Isabelle Royse, president, called the meeting to order followed by the Homemaker's Creed and the pledge to the American flag. Celia Grise, hostess, gave devotions by reading a poem called "The Dash." It is important how we spend the dash between our birth and death. For cultural arts, Celia showed us several strawberry items from her kitchen collection.

Becky Hadler read the Thought of the Month, "Life is not about expecting, hoping, and wishing. It's about doing, being, and becoming." Bertha Head led the Song of the Month, "God Bless America." We sang "Happy Birthday" to Celia and Juanita Israel for their December birthdays.

Nine members answered roll by stating how many New Year's resolutions they have already broken. Most of us broke none since we never made any! Juanita read the November and December secretary's reports, and Bertha gave the treasurer's report.

Members reported that the Christmas party was fun. We were sorry that several of our members were unable to attend. Celia mentioned that Juanita wrote for the Homemakers column in the newspaper. She will alternate with Eileen Fisse and contribute family recipes which she has collected through the years. It was suggested that she include any stories which accompany recipes.

Patti Leitgabel reported that the Greensburg/Decatur County area prepared 1,417 Operation Christmas Child boxes which were delivered to North Vernon and then on to Charlotte, North Carolina. She and Isabelle thanked our members who participate in making articles and filling boxes. Isabelle collected volunteer hours for the past year. We collected over 2,000 hours. Busy ladies!

Becky gave the health lesson titled "Knowledge Is Power." We should know our family history of inherited risks in order to catch them early and begin preventative actions. For safety, she discussed "Keeping Warm" regarding heating equipment and home fires.

Following Club Prayer, Isabelle gave the lesson "Progressive Muscle Relaxation." When retiring to bed, we can start with the top of our head and down to our toes with relaxing movements. Celia served muffins, candy, and nuts for refreshments. Juanita received the door prize with the lucky strawberry napkin.

Our next meeting will be Feb. 21, 1 p.m., at the Extension Office with Isabelle as hostess. Juanita will give the lesson on "Cooking with Honey," and Bertha will give the health and safety lesson.

Information provided — Information provided