Colbert Pretends to Be Therapist for House Republicans: ‘You Are All Responsible for Your Parents’ Divorce’ (Video)

Stephen Colbert has a good idea of what went on during the “therapy session” that took place between roughly 150 lawmakers earlier this week.

The closed-doors meeting took place Monday, two days before the planned vote. Multiple GOP lawmakers described the meeting as “mostly civil, yet cathartic,” according to Politico. However, the meeting ended with House Republicans no closer to agreeing on who should replace Kevin McCarty as Speaker of the House after his recent ousting.

Colbert seized on one member’s description of the meeting as a “therapy session.” “I would hate to be a therapist for the House Republicans,” the late night host said before pretending to be be a medical professional for the party. “‘Normally I don’t say this to a patient, but you are all responsible for your parents’ divorce. All of you. The way you were as a child is why they weren’t happy.'”

“The Late Show” host also took shots at the two candidates for Speaker of the House, Ohio representative Jim Jordan and Louisiana representative Steve Scalise. Colbert called Jordan a “gentle orangutan returning the reading glasses you dropped into his enclosure” and Scalise a “water-logged Billy Joel.”

In January, Kevin McCarthy began his bid to become Speaker of the House. Originally, he was opposed by all Democrats and 19 Republicans. He finally secured the job after 15 rounds of voting, making key concessions such as granting Freedom Caucus members three seats on the Rules Committee and introducing a rule that would allow a single House member to introduce a vote to remove the speaker. It’s that clause that would come to haunt him.

In late September, McCarthy introduced a temporary funding bill without the large spending cuts he originally proposed in an effort to avoid government shutdown. The bill was ultimately passed, but days later Florida representative Matt Gaetz filed a motion to remove McCarthy as Speaker. The vote worked, and a day later McCarthy was ousted.

The post Colbert Pretends to Be Therapist for House Republicans: ‘You Are All Responsible for Your Parents’ Divorce’ (Video) appeared first on TheWrap.