Coleen Nolan's 'new lease of life' as she looks to 'wow everyone' at Ciara's wedding

Coleen Nolan has embarked on a huge life makeover as she's "wants to wow everyone" at her daughter Ciara's wedding.

Just a few months ago, the mum-of-three made a promise to overhaul her lifestyle following a frightening health scare. The 59-year-old, from Blackpool, was struck down with a severe chest infection that made breathing difficult and led her to give up smoking after four decades.

Then, another devastating blow came when she was warned of her high risk of developing type 2 diabetes, prompting doctors to strongly recommend the star to adopt a more active lifestyle and healthier diet. Since then, the Loose Women panel member has taken decisive action by making significant changes to her eating habits - including adopting a nutritious plant-based diet, which contributed to her shedding two stone.


Coleen also disclosed that she had dental work done to completely revamp her smile, now boasting custom-made ceramic veneers. Now, as she looks forward to a healthier and happier future - which includes celebrating her daughter Ciara's wedding and planning a life with long-term partner Michael Jones - she reportedly feels better about herself than ever before.

"Coleen has had a new lease of life since finally quitting smoking, meeting Michael, going vegan and recently losing weight," an insider revealed to OK! "She feels like she's putting herself first for once and really looking after herself and that is showing to everyone."

The Loose Women star recently confirmed on Instagram that her daughter Ciara Fensom is engaged to Max Innes, and quickly announced she was "off to buy a hat" for their special day. But on the lead up to Max popping that all-important question, 22 year Ciara had purchased a "one-way ticket" to travel the world - but Coleen admitted to struggling with 'empty nest' syndrome.

But it's no secret that the TV star has been struggling ever since - Coleen even said she "can't stop crying" due to missing the young couple as they've not confirmed when they will be returning from their trip.

Coleen said: "They've worked really hard and saved up and I'm so proud of them both and her, but honestly, I just can't stop crying. But I'm trying not to do it in front of her because I'm thrilled and I'm proud because what an amazing thing to do. But it's like losing my best friend."

However, ever since Ciara and Max's announcement, the singer is reportedly in high-spirits and is planning to throw her all into wedding prep. In fact, according to a source, Coleen - who turns 60 next year - is looking at their engagement as the further push she needed to not only look but feel her best.

"She wanted to sort herself out for herself but ever since Ciara got engaged, it has given her extra motivation to look even better. Coleen wants to wow everyone as the mother of the bride on Ciara's big day – she's her only daughter so she's going to go all out," the source continued.

"She's already been speaking to one Loose Women's stylists about what she should wear and her hair and make-up even though the wedding isn't for a while. And it's also less than a year until she's 60 and she is determined she won't be a frumpy looking 60 year old."

And love is certainly in the air for Coleen as in March, the TV presenter also revealed she was "so excited" to take the next step with boyfriend Michael.

As she prepares to move into a new house with him, she said: "It's a fresh start for us both even though Michael sort of lived with me before. He loves where I live at the moment but he does see it as my house. This new place will be our home together."

Now, as Coleen is preparing for her daughter's big day and looking ahead, it looks like this has made her focus on her own future too - and perhaps double wedding bells could be ringing.

"Ciara's wedding has also made her think about her own," the source said. "She always has said she would never marry for a third time but Michael is desperate to marry her and she's starting to back down."

"Seeing Ciara get so excited about her wedding has made her realise that marriage is not all bad and she's in such a good place in her life, that now might be the right time. If she's going to put all the effort into looking great for Ciara's wedding, she's likely to be feeling her best when it comes to thinking about her own."

Coleen and Michael first met on Tinder in 2021 but decided to part ways after a year together last year. However, Coleen and Michael reunited just a few months later after the presenter said that when they split she regretted it and had to learn to accept that she "can be loved like that."

"I feel so blessed to have Michael, I never thought I'd meet anyone again," Coleen continued during her previous chat with OK!. "I've met someone who is perfect. He's always very calm and supportive."

Now, as she has overhauled her lifestyle and is putting plans into motion, Coleen apparently feels completely content in life.

"Michael has always been so patient with her and she knows she's with someone who will support her no matter what," the source said. "Coleen has had therapy and their relationship has got a lot stronger. She no longer feels like she has to push him away."