All of Colin Firth's movies, ranked

Side-by-side photos of Colin Firth in three different movies.
Colin Firth is an award-winning, English actor.Universal Pictures; Sony Pictures Classics
  • Colin Firth is best known for his roles in "Mamma Mia" (2008) and "Bridget Jones's Diary" (2001).

  • His lowest-rated movies include "The Accidental Husband" (2008) and "Main Street" (2010).

  • His most critically acclaimed films are "Conspiracy" (2001) and "The King's Speech" (2010).

The actor played Richard in "The Accidental Husband" (2008).

Uma Thurman faces Colin Firth in the film, "The Accidental Husband."
Uma Thurman and Colin Firth in "The Accidental Husband."Blumhouse Productions

Rotten Tomatoes score: 6%

Summary: Radio host Emma Lloyd (Uma Thurman) finds herself at the center of a scheme when a broken-hearted firefighter (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) intercepts her engagement with her fiancé (Firth).

Film reviewers didn't hold back when it came to calling the film clichéd and unhinged.

"Sub-lousy hackneyed crapola all the way, a complete disaster, one of the year's worst movies," film critic David Cornelius wrote for DVD Talk.

He was Gus Leroy in "Main Street" (2010).

Portrait of Colin Firth acting in the film, "Main Street."
Colin Firth as Gus Leroy in "Main Street."Annapurna Productions

Rotten Tomatoes score: 13%

Summary: Gus Leroy (Firth) moves to Durham, North Carolina, with a wild business proposal to save the city's dying tobacco business.

Critics remarked that the drama was filled with uneven acting and disjointed direction.

"There's something interesting here at the core of the conflict, but the story is offered so little room to breathe, coming across rushed and undercooked," wrote film critic Brian Orndorf.

In "St Trinian's 2: The Legend of Fritton's Gold" (2009), he played Geoffrey Thwaites.

Colin Firth falling after getting punched in the face in "St Trinian's 2: The Legend of Fritton's Gold."
Colin Firth as Geoffrey Thwaites in "St Trinian's 2: The Legend of Fritton's Gold" (2009).Ealing Studios

Rotten Tomatoes score: 14%

Summary: In the sequel, after discovering that headmistress Camilla Fritton (Rupert Everett) is descended from a legendary pirate, the unconventional boarding school students go on a misguided treasure hunt.

Firth returned to the franchise to play Geoffrey Thwaites, Camilla's old flame.

The sequel was written off by critics who found it disastrously unfunny.

"A film that flails about wildly in search of at least one half-decent joke," wrote Neil Smith for Total Film. "Tragically, the closest it gets is having a dog hump Colin Firth's leg."

Firth was Aurelius in "The Last Legion" (2007).

Medium shot of Colin Firth in "The Last Legion."
Colin Firth in "The Last Legion."Dino De Laurentiis Company

Rotten Tomatoes score: 15%

Summary: General Aurelius (Firth) and his band of soldiers take a last stand as the Roman Empire collapses.

Reviewers didn't enjoy the harried action drama, but some said it might be fitting for younger audiences.

"A novel hybrid of swords, sandals, horned helmets and furs, this really is a load of old rubbish, but there's some fun to be had, especially for boys who like to have mock sword fights with wooden sticks," wrote film critic Daniel Etherington for Film4.

In "Gambit" (2012), he appeared as Harry Deane.

Colin Firth putting on square framed glasses.
Colin Firth as Harry Deane in "Gambit."Crime Scene Pictures

Rotten Tomatoes score: 18%

Summary: Long-suffering art curator Harry Deane (Firth) decides to take his revenge on his abusive boss (Alan Rickman) with the help of cowgirl PJ Puznowski (Cameron Diaz).

Many reviewers remarked that the dull comedy failed to deliver any surprises, but Firth's performance was a standout.

"Colin Firth is decidedly much better than the role and the lines he's given," Kong Rithdee wrote in a review for the Bangkok Post.

He was Peter Ingleton in "Relative Values" (2000).

Colin firth holding a martini glass in a suit and bowtie next to Julie Andrews in "Relative Values."
Colin Firth and Julie Andrews in "Relative Values."Isle of Man Film

Rotten Tomatoes score: 20%

Summary: In the comedy based on the play by Noël Coward, Earl Nigel Marshwood (Edward Atterton) brings home an American actress (Jeanne Tripplehorn) and proposes to her against the wishes of his mother (Julie Andrews).

Across the board, critics dismissed the comedy as a lightweight affair that quickly faded from memory.

In a review for New York magazine, John Leonard wrote the movie off as a "trying-too-hard film version of a bubbleheaded Noël Coward play."

Firth starred in "Arthur Newman" (2012).

Colin Firth playing golf and missing the hole in "Arthur Newman."
Colin Firth playing the starring role in "Arthur Newman."Vertebra Films

Rotten Tomatoes score: 20%

Summary: After faking his own death, professional golfer Wallace Avery (Firth) rebrands himself as Arthur Newman and joins a young woman (Emily Blunt) on a road trip so they can both escape their pasts.

Many reviewers felt Blunt and Firth's acting prowess was wasted on a middling script.

Allan Hunter wrote for Express that "Arthur Newman" was a "film that fails to make the most of a good cast and a great premise."

The actor played Jess Clark in "A Thousand Acres" (1997).

Colin Firth opening a door in "A Thousand Acres."
Colin Firth as Jess Clark in "A Thousand Acres."Touchstone Pictures

Rotten Tomatoes score: 24%

Summary: After decades spent running the family farm, a father (Jason Robards) slips into anger and insanity in his old age and fights his daughters (Michelle Pfeiffer and Jessica Lange) in a destructive legal battle.

In the film, Firth played Jess Clark, the son of a neighboring farmer.

Most critics dismissed "A Thousand Acres" as an overwrought melodrama.

"Despite the golden promise of the cornfields, its crops are barren," Michael Wilmington wrote for the Chicago Tribune.

In "Hope Springs" (2003), he was Colin Ware.

Colin Firth sketched on an artist's pad in "Hope Springs."
Colin Firth as Colin Ware in "Hope Springs."Fragile Films

Rotten Tomatoes score: 25%

Summary: After traveling to the US to get over his ex (Minnie Driver), British artist Colin (Firth) befriends a local girl named Mandy (Heather Graham) and soon finds himself at the center of a love triangle.

The romantic comedy instructed audiences to suspend their disbelief one too many times for most critics' liking.

"Ultimately it's the wholly unbelievable — and frankly, impossible — story that makes 'Hope Springs' fail to work in virtually every scene," wrote film critic Christopher Null.


Firth played Ron Lax in "Devil's Knot" (2013).

Colin Firth sitting in a diner with his hand on a glass in "Devil's Knot."
Colin Firth as Ron Lax in "Devil's Knot."Worldview Entertainment

Rotten Tomatoes score: 25%

Summary: After three young boys are murdered in Arkansas in 1993, investigator Ron Lax (Firth) tries to separate fact from fiction as the town descends into satanic panic.

Most film critics said the movie, which was inspired by a true story, had a thematic identity crisis and lacked strong direction.

"The passion of the two leads is not enough to carry the film to any satisfying conclusion," wrote Andy J. Smith in a review for One Room With a View.

He returned as Mark Darcy in "Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason" (2004).

Colin firth stands across from Hugh Grant in the sequel of "Bridget Jones's Diary."
Hugh Grant and Colin Firth in "Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason."Universal Pictures

Rotten Tomatoes score: 27%

Summary: After a vacation goes disastrously awry, Bridget Jones (Renée Zellweger) breaks up with her boyfriend, Mark (Firth), and reconnects with her ex, Daniel Cleaver (Hugh Grant).

Many reviewers said that the sequel lacked the charm and likability of the original entry.

"The humiliation of Bridget Jones is done so many times that it's not funny and it's not clever and it's not interesting," Richard Roeper wrote for Ebert & Roeper.

In "Trauma" (2004), the actor played Ben.

Close up of Colin Firth looking disheveled in "Trauma."
Colin Firth as Ben in "Trauma."Little Bird Productions

Rotten Tomatoes score: 29%

Summary: After waking up from a coma, Ben (Firth) is distraught to realize that his wife Elisa (Naomie Harris) was killed in the car accident that put him in the hospital. When he's released, Ben continues to be haunted by his wife's death.

Most critics felt the drama aimed for mystery and fell into the trap of being completely confusing.

Film critic Dennis Schwartz wrote the movie off as a "visually stylish chiller that falls apart because it's a mess."

He originated his role as Geoffrey Thwaites in "St. Trinian's" (2007).

Colin Firth in a suit standing beside Rupert Everett in "St. Trinian's."
Rupert Everett, Anna Chancellor, and Colin Firth in "St. Trinian's."Ealing Studios

Rotten Tomatoes score: 31%

Summary: A group of girls band together to stage a robbery and save their failing boarding school, led by headmistress Camilla Fritton (Everett).

Firth appeared as Minister of Education, Geoffrey Thwaites.

For many, the movie fell squarely in the middle ground between being mildly interesting and utterly directionless.

"Firth looks like he's changing his mind about being in this movie WHILE the cameras are running," wrote film critic Michael Phillips.

Firth played Lord Henry Dashwood in "What a Girl Wants" (2003).

Colin Firth in a suit standing among other actors in "What a Girl Wants."
Christina Cole, Anna Chancellor, Colin Firth, Jonathan Pryce, and Eileen Atkins in "What a Girl Wants."Di Novi Pictures

Rotten Tomatoes score: 36%

Summary: American teen Daphne Reynolds (Amanda Bynes) is shocked to learn that her biological father, Henry Dashwood (Firth), is a wealthy British politician.

Despite giving it low marks across the board, critics also admitted that they might not have been the target audience for the rom-com.

"Too-cute with a few iffy moments, but tweens will eat it up," Nell Minow wrote in a review for Common Sense Media.

In "Before I Go to Sleep" (2014), he was Ben.

Colin Firth yelling at Nicole Kidman in "Before I Go To Sleep."
Colin Firth as Ben in "Before I Go To Sleep."Scott Free Productions

Rotten Tomatoes score: 37%

Summary: Due to memory loss, Christine (Nicole Kidman) wakes up every morning with a house and husband (Firth) she doesn't remember having. As she starts to question the reality given to her, she unlocks a dark truth.

Critics largely felt the actors did their best with the material, but that the film was cursed from the onset by amateur direction and writing.

"This is '50 First Dates' — dark, but lacking that film's humor, characterizations, dramatic interest, and consistency," Louis Black wrote for the Austin Chronicle.

He played Vince Collins in "Where the Truth Lies" (2005).

Colin Firth with a mustache in "Where the Truth Lies."
Colin Firth as Vince Collins in "Where the Truth Lies."Serendipity Point Films

Rotten Tomatoes score: 41%

Summary: Los Angeles journalist Karen O'Connor (Alison Lohman) tries to unearth the secrets behind the partnership of entertainers Vince Collins (Firth) and Lanny Morris (Kevin Bacon).

The story's endless twists left many critics' heads spinning.

In a review for BBC, Matthew Leyland dismissed the movie as an "awkward marriage of smut and smarts that teases on every level but doesn't quite satisfy."

In "Dorian Gray" (2009), the actor appeared as Lord Henry Wotton.

Colin Firth holding up a hand-held mirror to Ben Barnes in "Dorian Gray."
Colin Firth and Ben Barnes in "Dorian Gray."Alliance Films

Rotten Tomatoes score: 44%

Summary: Based on the classic tale by Oscar Wilde, the mystery follows Dorian Gray (Ben Barnes) and the sickly truth behind his pursuit of eternal youth.

The film itself did little to impress most reviewers, but Firth's performance as Lord Henry Wotton, shined through.

"Some neat formal flourishes from its director Oliver Parker and a truly handsome supporting turn from Colin Firth, this story demands a more versatile and charismatic central player than the powerfully blank Ben Barnes," wrote film critic Kevin Maher.

He was Mr. Ellis in "Empire of Light" (2022).

Colin Firth in a suit and bowtie speaking to Olivia Coleman in "Empire of Light."
Colin Firth as Mr. Ellis in "Empire of Light."Searchlight Pictures

Rotten Tomatoes score: 44%

Summary: Set in the 1980s English seaside, "Empire of Light" follows theater manager Hilary (Olivia Colman), who's struggling with her mental health. She pursues a relationship with new employee Stephen (Micheal Ward) despite criticism from locals.

Firth plays Mr. Ellis, Hilary's boss.

Critics saw the potential of this film and its talented cast but ultimately felt the story was disconnected and unconvincing.

"Watching the misguided artistry at work in 'Empire of Light,' it's hard to fathom just what attracted so many top-tier talents to a project of such torpor," wrote Rex Reed for Observer.

He played the titular character in "Valmont" (1989).

Colin Firth dressed in period attire in "Valmont"
Colin Firth in "Valmont."Renn Productions

Rotten Tomatoes score: 48%

Summary: Based on the novel "Les Liaisons dangereuses" by Pierre Choderlos de Laclos, the story follows widow Merteuil (Annette Bening) as she dares Valmont (Firth) to turn the eye of a married woman (Meg Tilly).

Critics said the power of the original novel didn't translate well in this adaptation.

"'Valmont,' then, proves a mixed blessing; a sumptuous treat for the eyes, a quiet disappointment for the mind," Geoff Brown wrote for the Times.

In "Then She Found Me" (2007), he was Frank.

Colin Firth looking at Helen Hunt and smiling in "Then She Found Me."
Colin Firth and Helen Hunt in "Then She Found Me."Odyssey Entertainment

Rotten Tomatoes score: 50%

Summary: Based on the book by Elinor Lipman, "Then She Found Me" centers on April (Helen Hunt) as she grapples with divorce, unexpectedly meeting her birth mother (Bette Midler), and falling for Frank (Firth).

Critics said that Hunt's acting was on point, but her freshman directing efforts needed more refining.

"Everyone acts decently and you have to praise Hunt for her tenacity," wrote Derek Malcolm for the London Evening Standard. "But this suffers from some fairly dire cinematography and a manufactured air that prevents the watcher connecting to the whole thing."

He reappeared as Harry Hart in "Kingsman: The Golden Circle" (2017).

Colin Firth wearing an eye patch and shaving his face in "Kingsman: The Golden Circle."
Colin Firth as Harry Hart in "Kingsman: The Golden Circle."20th Century Fox

Rotten Tomatoes score: 50%

Summary: When the Kingsman headquarters are destroyed in England, Eggsy (Taron Egerton) and Harry (Firth) must band together with the American Statesman organization to take on a shared enemy.

Critics said that the "Kingsman" sequel was equally fun and messy.

Larushka Ivan-Zadeh wrote for Metro that the film amounted to "another goofily imaginative movie for teenagers made by middle-aged comic book fans."

In "Magic in the Moonlight" (2014), he was Stanley.

emma stone and colin firth acting in magic in the moonlight
Colin Firth and Emma Stone in "Magic in the Moonlight."Sony Pictures Classics

Rotten Tomatoes score: 51%

Summary: Skeptic Stanley Crawford (Firth) is tasked with confronting spiritual medium Sophie Baker (Emma Stone) — only to realize that she's more than meets the eye.

Critics said one of the greatest disappointments in the film was the lack of any romantic spark between Firth and Stone.

"No kind of chemistry between the two ever arises, making their eventual romance, arrived at through pages of halting dialogue, feel particularly awkward," David Sims wrote for The Atlantic.

He was Max Perkins in "Genius" (2016).

Colin Firth in the shadows wearing a fedora and yelling at Jude Law in "Genius."
Colin Firth as Max Perkins in "Genius."Desert Wolf Productions

Rotten Tomatoes score: 52%

Summary: Based on a true story, "Genius" provides insight into the storied career of book editor Max Perkins (Firth) who worked with Thomas Wolfe (Jude Law), Ernest Hemingway (Dominic West), and F. Scott Fitzgerald (Guy Pearce).

According to critics, "Genius" was an ambitious tale that dipped its toe too often into familiar territory.

"A bit of a retread of drunk writer self-destructs tropes, but if you can't resist yet another trip down memory lane with your favorite writers…then 'Genius' will give you another chance," wrote Asia Frey for Lagniappe.

In "Easy Virtue" (2008), he played Mr. Whittaker.

Colin Firth sitting on a couch next time Jessica Biel in "Easy Virtue."
Colin Firth and Jessica Biel in "Easy Virtue."Ealing Studios

Rotten Tomatoes score: 52%

Summary: John (Ben Barnes) disappoints his father (Firth), mother (Kristin Scott Thomas), and the entire family when he returns to his estate with an American bride (Jessica Biel).

Overall, the period drama had its fair share of critics and admirers.

"This British drawing-room comedy feels awfully familiar but is redeemed by some tart performances," Pete Hammond wrote for

The actor voiced Fred in "A Christmas Carol" (2009).

Animated Colin Firth in "Disney's A Christmas Carol."
Colin Firth voiced Fred in "A Christmas Carol."Walt Disney Pictures

Rotten Tomatoes score: 53%

Summary: In the Disney animated adaptation of Charles Dickens' classic story, Scrooge (voiced by Jim Carrey) is visited by three ghosts that inspire him to lead a life well-lived.

In the film, Firth voiced Scrooge's nephew Fred.

Many critics said director Robert Zemeckis did his best to put a unique spin on the classic tale, but it was hard for it to stand out.

"Zemeckis' film preserves much of Dickens' original dialogue and detail while amplifying the utter ethereal strangeness of the ghosts," wrote Amy Biancolli for the San Francisco Chronicle.

He was Harry Bright in "Mamma Mia" (2008).

colin firth mamma mia
Colin Firth as Harry Bright in "Mamma Mia."Universal Pictures

Rotten Tomatoes score: 55%

Summary: After reading her mother's (Meryl Streep) diary entries from a summer 20 years prior, Sophie (Amanda Seyfried) invites three men — Sam (Pierce Brosnan), Bill (Stellan Skarsgård), and Harry (Firth) — to her wedding, hoping one might be her father.

Some critics dismissed "Mamma Mia" as too campy to take seriously, but others appreciated it as a guilty pleasure.

"Sometimes you just need a trip to the Greek isles, some '70s pop, or maybe both to get into the summer mood," wrote Casey Cipriani for Bustle.

Firth played Paul Ashworth in "Fever Pitch" (1997).

Colin Firth lying in bed next to love interest.
Colin Firth and Ruth Gemmell in "Fever Pitch."Channel Four Films

Rotten Tomatoes score: 56%

Summary: Sports fan Paul (Firth) falls in love with a schoolteacher (Ruth Gemmell) as he continues to obsess over his favorite English football team that hasn't won a championship in years.

Some critics admired the sincerity and good intentions at the heart of the romantic comedy, based on the novel by Nick Hornby. But others felt like it fell short.

"With soccer substituting for rock music, novelist/screenwriter Nick Hornby's 'Fever Pitch' plays like a rough draft of 'High Fidelity'...a very rough draft," wrote critic Carlo Cavagna.

He portrayed Jack in "The Importance of Being Earnest" (2002).

Colin Firth dressed in a suit for a social event in "The Importance of Being Earnest."
Colin Firth as Jack in "The Importance of Being Earnest."Miramax

Rotten Tomatoes score: 57%

Summary: Oscar Wilde's play comes to life as Algernon Moncrieff (Everett) and Jack Worthing (Firth) both take on the moniker "Ernest" to help their love lives.

Many critics marked the film down for poor direction but enjoyed the efforts of the cast.

"This may be a less than ideal 'Earnest,' but it still has delights," David Ansen wrote for Newsweek.

In "Stars in Shorts" (2012), Firth was Steve.

Colin Firth smiling wildly with disheveled hair.
Colin Firth in "Stars in Shorts."Biscuit Pictures, Mission Filmworks, Contemptible Entertainment

Rotten Tomatoes score: 60%

Summary: In the star-studded short-film compilation, Firth played oddball Steve, who disturbed the peace of his upstairs neighbors (Keira Knightley and Tom Mison).

Critics said the collection of shorts had a wide range of qualities that lacked cohesion. But it was partially saved by memorable performances.

"They showcase not just the acting chops of Colin Firth, Lily Tomlin, Julia Stiles and others, but some fresh writing-directing talents, too," wrote Michael Upchurch for the Seattle Times.

In "Love Actually" (2003), he was novelist Jamie Bennett.

love actually
Lúcia Moniz and Colin Firth in "Love Actually."Universal Pictures

Rotten Tomatoes score: 64%

Summary: In "Love Actually," different couples fall in love and fall apart over the holiday season in Britain. Firth played a novelist named Jamie who falls for his housekeeper, Aurélia (Lúcia Moniz), despite the language barrier between them.

The holiday-centric romantic comedy elicited a range of reviews from critics. But overall, most were taken in by its impressive ensemble cast.

"'Love Actually' provides enough happy endings to make the audience forget that romance and Christmas miracles don't always work out," wrote Scott Tobias for AV Club.

He played Lord Archibald Craven in "The Secret Garden" (2020).

Colin Firth softly smiling in the sunlight.
Colin Firth as Lord Archibald Craven in "The Secret Garden."STX Films

Rotten Tomatoes score: 67%

Summary: After being taken in by her strict Uncle Archibald (Firth), an orphan named Mary (Dixie Egerickx) bonds with new friends over a magical hidden garden.

The 2020 adaptation was the latest in a long line of attempts to take on Frances Hodgson Burnett's source material, and most regarded it as a worthy entry.

"Any version of 'The Secret Garden' is better than none and while this latest iteration is lacking in grief and gothic, it's a pleasing old-fashioned family film bolstered by lovely performances," Tara Brady wrote for The Irish Times.

In "The Railway Man" (2013), he was Eric Lomax.

Colin Firth wearing glasses while riding on a train.
Colin Firth in "The Railway Man."Archer Street Productions

Rotten Tomatoes score: 67%

Summary: Based on a true story, "The Railway Man" centers on retired British officer and former prisoner of war Eric Lomax (Firth), who discovers that the man responsible for his torture is still alive.

The nuanced film ended up being little more than a serviceable drama for many critics.

"'The Railway Man' remains a moving film, with strong performances, but its intentions are perhaps better than its delivery," Christopher Preston wrote for One Room With a View.

Firth played Commodore David Russell in "The Command" (2018).

Colin Firth wearing a sailing uniform.
Colin Firth in "The Command."EuropaCorp

Rotten Tomatoes score: 69%

Summary: Inspired by true events, this historical drama centers on the K-141 Kursk submarine explosion of 2000 and the attempts of British officer David Russell (Firth) to intercede with the Russian government and save the survivors.

"The Command" wasn't always rooted in historical fact, but it was an entertaining rabbit hole for most critics to go down.

James Croot wrote for Stuff that the film was a "solid, serviceable action-drama, even if it plays somewhat fast and loose with the truth."

In "My Life So Far" (1999), he was Edward Pettigrew.

Colin Firth wearing circular glasses.
Colin Firth in "My Life So Far."Miramax

Rotten Tomatoes score: 70%

Summary: In the Scottish drama based on the memoir by Denis Forman, Fraser Pettigrew (Robert Norman) shares his childhood with his siblings and his parents Edward (Firth) and Moira (Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio) in the wake of World War I.

"My Life So Far" was called an inoffensive and harmless family drama by a range of critics.

In her review for Common Sense Media, S. Jhoanna Robledo summed it up as an "endearing, mild coming-of-age tale in 1920s Scotland."

He was Reggie Turner in "The Happy Prince" (2018).

Colin Firth with curled hair and a mustache in "The Happy Prince."
Colin Firth as Reggie Turner in "The Happy Prince."Maze Pictures

Rotten Tomatoes score: 72%

Summary: In his later life, author Oscar Wilde (Everett) is released from prison and reconnects with old friends Reggie Turner (Firth) and Robert Ross (Edwin Thomas) as he's forced to take on a new identity.

"The Happy Prince," which was inspired by Wilde's work, was hailed as impressive but also clouded by nostalgia.

In a review for The New Daily, Stephen A. Russell wrote that the film was a "dreamy take on the poet, playwright and novelist's final ruinous days in Paris."

The actor played Blake Morrison in "And When Did You Last See Your Father?" (2007).

Colin Firth in "And When Did You Last See Your Father?"
Colin Firth playing Blake Morrison in "And When Did You Last See Your Father?"Film4

Rotten Tomatoes score: 72%

Summary: The film, based on the memoir by Blake Morrison, tracks the challenging relationship between Blake (Firth) and his father (Jim Broadbent) from childhood to old age.

It was perhaps a little rough around the edges, but the engaging drama still left many critics in tears.

"It may be sentimental, but only in the best ways, and I defy anyone to not feel their eyes burn in the films final moments," Mattie Lucus wrote for From the Front Row.

He portrayed Johannes Vermeer in "Girl With a Pearl Earring" (2003).

Colin Firth with long hair painting on an easel.
Colin Firth in "Girl With a Pearl Earring."Archer Street Productions

Rotten Tomatoes score: 73%

Summary: Based on the book by Tracy Chevalier, the drama follows the romantic tension between Griet (Scarlett Johansson), Pieter (Cillian Murphy), and famous painter Johannes Vermeer (Firth).

Many critics said that the drama would've benefited from some tighter direction, but most concluded there was much to admire in the adaptation.

"The film's scenarios may be unsurprising, but Webber's solemn evocation of art in a grey world gives his story an apt, unspoken gravity," wrote David Jays for Sight & Sound.

In "The Mercy" (2018), he was Donald Crowhurst.

Colin Firth lying shirtless and disheveled on a boat.
Colin Firth in "The Mercy."StudioCanal

Rotten Tomatoes score: 74%

Summary: Based on a true story, the drama centers on Donald Crowhurst (Firth) and his audacious attempt to compete in a global yacht race — as well as the cover-up that followed when he failed.

Critics conceded that Crowhurst wasn't easy to empathize with, but he was expertly played by Firth.

In a review for the Arizona Republic, Kerry Lengel called it an "engrossing character study of an ordinary man whose extraordinary ambition proves his undoing."

He played Mr. Brown in "Nanny McPhee" (2005).

Colin Firth wearing a colorful outfit in "Nanny McPhee."
Colin Firth as Mr. Brown in "Nanny McPhee."Universal Pictures

Rotten Tomatoes score: 74%

Summary: Overwhelmed by his seven children, Cedric Brown (Firth) recruits the help of unconventional sitter Nanny McPhee (Emma Thompson) to help get his house under control.

Although some critics said "Nanny McPhee," which was based on the book by Christianna Brand, failed to deliver for audiences of all ages, others thought it still had a solid reception from kids.

"It's more of a kids' film than a grown-up's movie, with a good message at its heart," wrote critic Kevin Carr.

Firth was Adrian LeDuc in "Apartment Zero" (1988).

Colin Firth on the telephone.
Colin Firth as Adrian LeDuc in "Apartment Zero."The Summit Company

Rotten Tomatoes score: 74%

Summary: After taking in American expat Jack Carney (Hart Bochner), Adrian LeDuc (Firth) starts to suspect that his new housemate may be behind the murders rippling through Buenos Aires.

Some critics said the mystery thriller was half-baked, but others rushed to sing its praises as a cult favorite.

"[This] film, a dazzling mix of mirth and menace, is that rare find: a thriller that plumbs the violence of the mind," wrote Peter Travers in a review for Rolling Stone.

He made his first appearance as Harry Hart in "Kingsman: The Secret Service" (2014).

colin firth kingsman
Colin Firth in "Kingsman: The Secret Service."20th Century Fox

Rotten Tomatoes score: 75%

Summary: Petty thief Eggsy (Egerton) is approached by Harry Hart (Firth) to join a secret spy organization in the heart of Britain and take on ecoterrorist Richmond Valentine (Samuel L. Jackson).

The explosive action thriller wasn't every critic's cup of tea, but it elicited a great deal of applause.

"I liked 'Kingsman: The Secret Service' because the film refuses to take itself too seriously," wrote Alan Ng for Film Threat.

In "Mothering Sunday" (2021), he was Godfrey Niven.

Colin Firth smiling while outside.
Colin Firth in "Mothering Sunday."British Film Institute (BFI)

Rotten Tomatoes score: 78%

Summary: Adapted from the novel by Graham Swift, the romantic drama follows Jane Fairchild (Odessa Young) as she starts a love affair with Paul Sheringham (Josh O'Connor) on a religious holiday.

In the film Firth played Godfrey Niven, Jane's boss.

The romantic drama kept critics captivated toward the end.

"The unusual directorial stylings of filmmaker Eva Husson may get on the nerves of some viewers, but her examination of fading memories and long-lasting grief is undeniably effective," wrote Leigh Paatsch for the Herald Sun.

He was Joe in "Genova" (2008).

Colin Firth sittting next to Perla Haney-Jardine.
Colin Firth as Joe in "Genova."Revolution Films

Rotten Tomatoes score: 78%

Summary: College professor Joe (Firth) takes his two daughters to Genova, Italy, in the aftermath of their mother's death so they can heal and bond in a new place.

Praised for its delicate direction, "Genova" was hailed as a solid drama about love and grief.

"A delightful sojourn for one indie filmmaker and his cast and crew in a fascinating old Italian town," wrote Ruth Hessey for Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

Firth played Simon Westward in "Circle of Friends" (1995).

Colin Firth in "Circle of Friends."
Colin Firth as Simon Westward in "Circle of Friends."Price Entertainment

Rotten Tomatoes score: 78%

Summary: In 1950s Ireland, Benny (Driver) navigates love and life with her two best friends Eve (Geraldine O'Rawe) and Nan (Saffron Burrows).

Firth appeared as Nan's lover Simon Westward.

The inviting drama was well-received for its charm and young cast.

"Beyond eliciting warm, animated performances from his actors…Mr. O'Connor gives 'Circle of Friends' an enveloping look and sound," Janet Maslin wrote for The New York Times.

He returned as Mark Darcy in "Bridget Jones's Baby" (2016).

Bridget Jones' Baby
Colin Firth, Renée Zellweger, and Patrick Dempsey in "Bridget Jones's Baby."Universal Pictures

Rotten Tomatoes score: 78%

Summary: After a romantic encounter with Jack (Patrick Dempsey) and a fling with her ex Mark (Firth), Bridget (Zellweger) discovers that she's pregnant and tries to work out who the father could be.

It wasn't a perfect film by any means, but critics found it hard to resist the fun of seeing Firth and Zellweger fall back into old roles.

"'Bridget Jones's Baby' delivers a feel-good romcom with just the right amount of refreshing comedy, a sprinkle of slapstick and a whole lot of quirkiness," Aramide Tinubu wrote for

In "Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again" (2018), Firth reprised his role as Harry.

Mamma Mia men
Pierce Brosnan, Stellan Skarsgård, and Colin Firth in "Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again."Universal Pictures

Rotten Tomatoes score: 79%

Summary: The musical sequel cuts back and forth between the 1980s and present-day life as Sophie (Seyfried) thinks back on Donna's (Lily James) life before she was her mother.

As silly and bombastic as the sequel could be at times, most critics indulged in the sheer delight of the sun-kissed musical numbers.

"I can't wait for the next chapter of the 'Mamma Mia!' Cinematic Universe," wrote Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya for Autostraddle.

He was Richard Courtois in "The Advocate" (1993).

Colin Firth dressed in period attire in "The Advocate."
Colin Firth as Richard Courtois in "The Advocate."BBC Films

Rotten Tomatoes score: 80%

Summary: Originally titled "The Hour of the Pig," "The Advocate" follows lawyer Richard Courtois as he leaves Paris to defend a pig accused of murder in the rural village of Abbeville.

The oddball dark comedy found a welcome audience among most critics.

"Far from being a stuffy period piece, the movie is fun and intellectually engaging," wrote film critic Rob Gonsalves.

In "Mary Poppins Returns" (2018), he was banker Wilkins.

Colin Firth dressed in a suit and with a mustache.
Colin Firth in "Mary Poppins Returns."Walt Disney Pictures

Rotten Tomatoes score: 80%

Summary: During the Great Depression, Michael Banks (Ben Whishaw) worries over how he'll pay the bills and take care of his children — until he's visited by magical nanny Mary Poppins (Blunt).

Firth played Mr. Wilkins, the banker who denies Michael Banks money.

It was difficult for the film to live up to the unique magic of the 1964 original, but many critics thought "Mary Poppins Returns" was up for the task.

"As wonderful as the original, telling a new story with equally important lessons about family, love, and hope," wrote Danielle Gensburg for the Chicago Reader.

Firth's first appearance as Mark Darcy was in "Bridget Jones's Diary" (2001).

Bridget Jones Diary Kiss
Colin Firth and Renée Zellweger in "Bridget Jones's Diary."Miramax

Rotten Tomatoes score: 80%

Summary: Adapted from the book by Helen Fielding, "Bridget Jones's Diary" centers on Bridget (Zellweger) while she's caught in a whirlwind romance between reserved Mark Darcy (Firth) and scandalous Daniel Cleaver (Grant).

Although the romantic comedy could be problematic in parts according to some reviewers, most succumbed to the charm of the lead actors.

"A cheerfully frothy romantic comedy that benefits from sharp writing, lively performances and touching characterisation," wrote Anna Smith for Film4.

He was Tommy Judd in "Another Country" (1984).

Colin Firth sitting in front of a large window.
Colin Firth as Tommy Judd in "Another Country."Goldcrest Films International

Rotten Tomatoes score: 80%

Summary: In 1930s England, Guy Bennett (Everett) and Tommy Judd (Firth) bond as outsiders at their public school.

The story didn't win everyone over, but most critics thought it was a well-acted adaptation of the play of the same name.

"Impressive film adaptation of Julian Mitchell's award-winning play," wrote critic Phil Hall in a review for Film Threat.

He played Ewen Montagu in "Operation Mincemeat" (2021).

Colin Firth dressed in military uniform.
Colin Firth and Matthew Macfadyen in "Operation Mincemeat."See-Saw Films

Rotten Tomatoes score83%

Summary: Inspired by true events and the book by Ben Macintyre, the drama takes place in the midst of World War II as Lieutenant Commander Ewen Montagu (Firth) and Charles Cholmondeley (Matthew Macfadyen) propose a bizarre plan to transfer war secrets on the body of a soldier's corpse.

"Operation Mincemeat" was summed up by critics as a rousing war drama that delivered what was advertised.

"It's exactly the kind of well-rounded, satisfying movie which works on all levels but doesn't particularly dazzle on any — and it doesn't have to because it does what it needs to do," wrote Wenlei Ma for

In "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy" (2011), Firth was Bill Haydon.

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Colin Firth as Bill Haydon in "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy."Focus Features

Rotten Tomatoes score: 84%

Summary: Adapted from the John le Carré novel, the Cold War spy thriller finds George Smiley (Gary Oldman) and Bill Haydon (Firth) trying to root out a double agent.

Critics had fun unwinding the mystery at the heart of the historical thriller.

"'Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy' can assert a serious claim to be the best espionage film ever made," wrote Donald Clarke for the Irish Times.

In "The English Patient" (1996), he played Geoffrey Clifton.

Colin Firth in "The English Patient."
Julian Wadham and Colin Firth in "The English Patient."Miramax

Rotten Tomatoes score: 86%

Summary: "The English Patient" is an adaptation of the novel by Michael Ondaatje that focuses on the love affair between a nurse (Juliette Binoche) and the crash victim (Ralph Fiennes) she tends to during World War II.

In the drama, Firth appeared as Geoffrey, the husband of Katharine Clifton (Kristin Scott Thomas).

Although some reviewers said the film suffered from a lengthy runtime, it was still highly praised.

"Minghella doesn't so much adapt the novel as he translates it wondrously to a different medium, with its mysteries and passions intact," Dennis King wrote about the film's director in a review for Tulsa World.



He starred as George in "A Single Man" (2009).

A Single Man Colin Firth
Colin Firth as as George in "A Single Man."The Weinstein Company

Rotten Tomatoes score: 86%

Summary: In this period drama, based on the novel by Christopher Isherwood, university professor George Falconer (Firth) struggles to move on after the death of his partner Jim (Matthew Goode).

Critics said that there were many aspects of "A Single Man" that made it worthwhile, especially in regard to Firth's captivating central performance.

"This is an impressive debut from which I am still reeling a little, and Firth's performance is astounding," Deborah Ross wrote for The Spectator.

Firth played Tom Birkin in "A Month in the Country" (1987).

Colin Firth in "A Month in the Country."
Colin Firth as Tom in "A Month in the Country."Channel Four Films

Rotten Tomatoes score: 86%

Summary: Based on the novel by J.L. Carr, the drama set in rural, 1920s Yorkshire centers on war veteran Tom Birkin (Firth) as he restores a Medieval mural and forms a close connection with archaeologist James Moon (Kenneth Branagh).

The drama was hailed as an unexpected and pleasant surprise by most critics.

"'A Month in the Country' is a movie of morsel-sized pleasures, yet there's a sizable joy to be had in catching Colin Firth and Kenneth Branagh at the start of their long and impressive careers," wrote Matt Brunson for Creative Loafing.

In "1917" (2019), he appeared as General Erinmore.

Colin Firth leaning on table and speaking to soldiers.
Colin Firth in "1917."Dreamworks Pictures

Rotten Tomatoes score: 89%

Summary: Under the request of General Erinmore (Firth), two soldiers (George MacKay and Dean-Charles Chapman) are tasked with running against the clock to deliver a message to the front lines.

The film, which was inspired by true events, offered immersive cinematography and absorbing performances that kept critics' eyes glued to the screen.

Adam Graham wrote for Detroit News, "It's a tense, unnerving ride that accomplishes its goal of translating the first-person experience of war better than any war movies that have come before it. It's a level up."

Firth starred alongside Stanley Tucci in "Supernova" (2020).

Colin Firth and Stanley Tucci in "Supernova."StudioCanal

Rotten Tomatoes score: 90%

Summary: Partners Sam (Firth) and Tusker (Stanley Tucci) travel across England in an RV and visit friends along the way as they come to grips with Tusker's early-onset dementia.

Sobering and meditative, "Supernova" wasn't an easy watch for critics. But it was one that left them moved.

"Firth and Tucci's performances are remarkable in how delicately they navigate this maze of half-truths and suppressed emotions, all crammed inside their rusty campervan," wrote Clarisse Loughrey for the Independent.

He was Lord Wessex in "Shakespeare in Love" (1998).

colin firth in shakespeare in love
Colin Firth as Lord Wessex in "Shakespeare in Love."Miramax

Rotten Tomatoes score: 92%

Summary: In the romantic comedy, William Shakespeare (Joseph Fiennes) meets Viola De Lesseps (Gwyneth Paltrow) and transforms his latest play into what would become "Romeo and Juliet."

In the movie, Firth played Lord Wessex, who's placed in an arranged marriage with Viola.

"Shakespeare in Love" won over critics with its witty script and endearing characters.

"Sometimes it's the small things that provide the biggest delights," wrote Jeff Strickler for the Minneapolis Star Tribune. "That's certainly the case with 'Shakespeare in Love,' a tongue-in-cheek romance about the greatest romance ever written."

In "The King's Speech" (2010), Firth played King George VI.

The King's Speech
Colin Firth as King George VI in "The King's Speech."Momentum Pictures/The Weinstein Company

Rotten Tomatoes score: 94%

Summary: As King George VI (Firth) ascends the throne of England in 1936, he grapples with a speech impediment he long ignored when his wife Elizabeth (Helena Bonham Carter) hires him a speech therapist (Geoffrey Rush).

Critics hailed Firth's performance in the drama, which earned him the Academy Award for best actor in 2011.

"For all the pomp and protocol, it's an intimate story about a scared man who must find his voice if he is to rise, in regal stature, above his epaulets," David Elliott wrote for the San Diego Reader.

He was Wilhelm Stuckart in his highest-rated film, "Conspiracy" (2001).

Colin Firth sitting at a table in "Conspiracy."
Colin Firth as Wilhelm Stuckart in "Conspiracy."HBO Films

Rotten Tomatoes score: 100%

Summary: In the sobering drama, Nazi officers Reinhard Heydrich (Branagh), Adolf Eichmann (Tucci), and Dr. Wilhelm Stuckart (Firth) meet to discuss plans for the horrifying "Final Solution" of the Holocaust.

Critics praised the matter-of-fact approach of the film, which gripped viewers and forced them to look on at the horrors of Hitler's plans.

"Conspiracy stands on its own as a fly-on-the-wall glimpse of a disturbing piece of history," wrote Laura Fries for Variety.

Note: All scores were current on the date of publication and are subject to change. Films without critical ratings were not included.

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