Collapsed mum saved by daughter, 8, after injecting £150 'skinny jab' in bid to be 'powerhouse' businesswoman

Kerry Boland with eight-year-old daughter Isobel
-Credit: (Image: Kennedy News/Growth Coaching Collective)

A mum's bid to transform into a 'slim powerhouse' to impress in her new business by using a £150 'skinny jab' nearly killed her - as she collapsed and was found by her eight-year-old daughter. Kerry Boland was rushed to hospital when she collapsed in her bathroom after spending days doubled over in excruciating pain and unable to eat or sleep.

The 34-year-old, who felt 'like Bruce Bogtrotter' even though she was only a size 12-14, says she bought the month-long course from an aesthetician who is also a registered nurse for £150. The mum-of-three had administered half of the first jab in a bid to drop a few pounds before a business photoshoot the following month.

The family of drugs known as GLP-1 RAs, originally developed to treat diabetes, are now often being used for weight loss as they were found to suppress a patient's appetite. The founder and CEO of The Growth Coaching Collective administered half a dose of the first injectable into her stomach and felt 'zonked out' two hours later with excruciating headaches.

Over the next couple of days, 5ft 3in Kerry was left bedbound from extreme stomach cramps, retching and unable to eat more than a bite of banana at a time. Two days later the mum-of-three collapsed in the bathroom and was shaken awake by her scared then-eight-year-old daughter Isobel.

Kerry's 35-year-old gas engineer partner Matt Myerscough scooped her up off the bathroom floor and raced her to hospital, where doctors hooked her up to an IV drip for 15 hours. Now Kerry fears she could have caused permanent damage to her organs and is sharing her terrifying experience from June 2022 to warn others against using the 'quick-fix' products.

Woman sat at desk writing in a calendar
Kerry Boland -Credit:Kennedy News/ VF Photography

Kerry, from Denton, Greater Manchester, said: "I was a dress size 12/14, I wasn't big but my brain was telling me I was like Bruce Bogtrotter. I just didn't feel great and I wanted a quick fix. Being a busy mum, I couldn't be bothered with going to the gym.

"I'd seen other people getting good results from it and I just thought 'well if it works for them, why not work for me?' I was about to have a photoshoot for my business.

"I was quite new to business at the time and I had this image of how you had to be this 'powerhouse slim' woman in order to be taken seriously. When I think back to it, it's absolutely barmy, but that was the chapter of my life I was at.

"Within two hours of taking it, I was zonked out. I drove to my sister's to visit and I couldn't get off the sofa. I couldn't lift my head up, it felt like a boulder on my shoulder, and I had really bad headaches.

"For the next 24-48 hours I was in absolute agony and I had to pretend I had a sickness bug. Nothing would come out but I kept heaving and feeling sick. I can't even describe the pain, I was just rolling around on the bed. It was absolutely horrendous.

"I was doubled over, it was like someone was kicking me in the stomach and I had constant diarrhoea. I was walking like the Hunchback of Notre Dame because I couldn't stand up straight."

Encouraged to keep eating by a friend, Kerry forced down small bites of bananas, but ended up so weak she collapsed and was found by her then eight-year-old daughter Isobel Scholes on June 3. Kerry said: "My friend said 'you need to keep eating', but it just made me feel worse.

"I'd eat one bite of a banana at a time and it would take me hours. I was up all night every hour on the toilet. I remember being bent over the toilet trying to make myself sick because the pain was that bad and then I collapsed on the bathroom floor.

"I was gone for a few minutes and then I remember my daughter Isobel touching me and saying 'Mum are you ok?' I don't think I was out cold for a long time, I was just so weak. She shouted for my partner and he took me to hospital, they threw me on a drip for 15 hours."

At Wythenshawe Hospital's A&E department, doctors hooked her to an IV drip to administer painkillers and fluids.

Kerry said: "They couldn't get any blood out, I was that dehydrated. They put me on a drip and then put me on painkillers through the drip because I was in that much pain. It was really frightening, I just thought, 'what have I done?'.

"I was worried about damaging my organs, especially after reading horror stories online. I did worry 'oh my God how long am I going to be in this state?' because I couldn't take the pain."

A shaken Kerry was discharged the following evening and slowly started reintroducing small portions of food.

Kerry said: "It was a couple of days before I felt myself again. I slowly started introducing small portions of food, it was nothing like what I would normally shovel in.

"I felt tons better after being rehydrated, but I was still on painkillers. My partner came home and binned the lot."

Now, Kerry is working with a nutritionist and hormone coach and is weight-training five times a week in the gym to achieve her fitness goals.

Kerry said: "I don't recommend the jabs at all, my advice would be don't go near them. The quick fix to get into a dress doesn't exist because you always end up putting it back on.

"I don't think it is about the number on the scale, it's how I feel. Success doesn't happen overnight but the internet would have us believe otherwise and I think that's the problem."