Marvel Snap: Why I'm super excited about the upcoming Battle Mode

The new mode allows for tournaments, woohoo!

(Photo: Marvel Snap/Second Dinner)
(Photo: Marvel Snap/Second Dinner)

I love how Marvel Snap is going from amazing to amazingly fantastic.

Ever since it snapped onto the scene last year, this mobile card game has already garnered a Best Mobile Game award at the Game Awards.

And I couldn't be more pleased with its latest announcement, which not only dropped the latest monthly pass called The Savage Land, but also released details about a new PVP setting called Battle Mode that will allow more competitive players to take part in tournaments.

Or alternatively, you can just play with your real life friends (which you can't do now).

How the new Battle Mode works is that you enter a friend code to match up, and both players get 10 life and play with the same deck again and again until one of them goes to zero.

This allows you to understand your opponents decks and figure out how to play against each other.

The new mode also means you can easily set up brackets for players to match each other until there's one winner in a tournament format.

It sounds simple, and Marvel Snap's developer Second Dinner will release more details about it soon.

I can't help but think how this will open up community-based tournaments, and given how popular the game is, I won't be surprised to see lots of hype around this.

Importantly, streamers can now play each other easily for even more views.

Also maybe I can stand a chance against younger whippersnappers since I don't have to rely on my reflexes to compete (such as FPS and MOBAs).

And while it has a long way to go before it gets onto the level of Hearthstone or Runeterra's esports, I think there's plenty of potential.

It has hype, growth, and most importantly — an enthusiastic developer lead in the form of former Hearthstone game director Ben Brode.

Aloysius Low is an ex-CNET editor with more than 15 years of experience. He's really into cats and is currently reviewing products at Views expressed are his own.

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