Common garden furniture mistake that can cause damage - and what to do instead

Garden furniture
-Credit: (Image: Getty Images)

Despite June being quite a bit colder in Scotland than we would expect in summer, all we can do is hope that some warmer weather is on the way so that we can spend more time outdoors.

And if you've got garden furniture then you'll know that protecting it against the elements is vital all year round, not just in the winter.

The harsh weather often means that we need to give our outdoor tables and chairs a good clean before we can use them again in the summer. But experts have warned against one very common cleaning hack, as it could actually end up doing more harm than good.

Emily Murison from Gates Garden Centre has provided some tips and techniques for people who are keen to keep their garden furniture looking fresh all through the summer, advising people not to reach for the pressure washer - although this can seem like a quick way of doing things.

“Make sure not to use a pressure washer on outdoor furniture, especially not on wooden, rattan wicker or marine grade rope furniture” warned Emily. “This is because using extreme pressure may cause the wood grain to lift and cause weave to splinter or rope to fray.”

“If the stains or marks are not coming out of wooden patio furniture, you can use a small cap of bleach in a bucket with luke warm water, but be sure to test a patch out of sight first – perhaps underneath a table or chair and allow it to dry to test for any discolouration," she added.

If your garden furniture is wooden then it requires extra care in order to keep it looking its best - which involved properly shielding and protecting it from any harsh weather

“When it comes to looking after wooden garden furniture, I recommend a three-step approach – Clean, Protect and Shield”, said Emily. “For example, to clean hardwood like teak, use a dedicated teak cleaner, then allow the wood to dry before applying a Teak Protector, followed up by Teak Shield. The Protector will prolong the brightness of hardwood helping to retain its natural colour, whilst the Shield will create a barrier to the elements, keeping wooden furniture cleaner for longer.

“Remember to always test a small patch underneath your wooden bench, seat, or table first to check you are happy with the look.”

It's recommended that you do this every year or two for the best results, as this routine will help to keep outdoor wooden furniture 'fresh and like new'.

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