Competitive Eater Polishes Off 10 McDonald's Cheeseburgers in 6 and a Half Minutes

A New Zealand woman scarfed down 10 McDonald’s cheeseburgers in under six and a half minutes, impressive footage posted to YouTube on August 23 shows.

Auckland-based competitive eater and model Nela Zisser can often be found making her way through outrageous food challenges.

Her latest challenge sees her demolish 10 McDonald’s cheeseburgers in six minutes and 28 seconds, a feat she describes in the video as “tough”.

“Six minutes, 28 though, that’s pretty good, like, I’m pretty damn proud of that,” she tells the camera. Credit: Nela Zisser via Storyful

Video transcript

- Hey, guys. It's Nellie here. And today, I've got an epic challenge in front of me. I've got 10 McDonald's cheeseburgers. And I'm basically just going to be seeing how quickly I can eat them.

I've got my timer right over here. I've got my trusty Coca-Cola, no sugar, vanilla right here to wash it all down. So yeah, we're just going to be eating these cheeseburgers as quickly as possible. And hopefully, I can get a really good time.

All righty. Crack the Coke first. OK. I'm excited.

They smell so delicious. Oh my god. You guys, I'll show you guys one. Some of these look a bit sad. But that one looks a bit better. A little bit sad on the top. Yeah, they smell absolutely delicious. So I'm very much looking forward to this. OK. 3, 2, 1. And go.

Could burp.

Oh my god. It was so much food. Oh my god. My stomach is just like insane. I'll show you, guys. Look at that. Man. That was tough. 6 minutes, 28. Looks pretty good. I'm pretty damn proud of that. That was like a lot of bread and a lot cheeseburger.

I feel pregnant. Oh my god. Oh, man. Yeah.

All right. So that was 10 McDonald's cheeseburgers eaten in 6 minutes and 28 seconds. I am so thrilled with that. That is so quick. Yeah, I'm pretty proud of that to be honest. That was a lot of cheeseburgers. Yeah, I'm going to go have a lot of lie down and have a little nap, little siesta.

Hey, I love you guys so, so much. Thank you for watching my video. Remember, if you haven't already, please go check out my merch. They'll be like a double on the description. I designed everything myself. And it's all in champion clothing. So it's some really good quality.

And yeah, if you order it out, you get a special thank you video for me, like a little personalized one. So please go do that. Thank you to everyone who already has. You guys are awesome. I love you so, so much. And yeah, I hope you enjoyed the challenge. And I'll see you guys next time.