Connor Brown killer caught with knife in town centre and jailed again

Ally Gordon, jailed for assisting an offender
Ally Gordon, jailed for assisting an offender -Credit:Northumbria Police

One of the killers jailed over the stab death of teenager Connor Brown has been caught with a knife in a town centre.

Ally Gordon was locked up for three and a half years after being convicted of the manslaughter of 18-year-old Connor, who died after he was knifed in Sunderland city centre five years ago. Leighton Barrass, who delivered the fatal blade blows, was found guilty of murder and jailed for life.

But Gordon was back in court in Scotland on Tuesday after being caught with a weapon in a town north of the border. The 24-year-old appeared from custody at Airdrie Sheriff Court where he admitted carrying a knife in Coatbridge, Lanarkshire, on November 27, 2022. Lauren Cole, prosecuting, said he was arrested on Main Street in the town at 2.40am after a member of the public tipped off police that he had a weapon.

The fiscal said: "Officers approached him and observed a lock knife in the waistband of his trousers."

The court heard how Gordon had been jailed for 40 months at Newcastle Crown Court in November 2023 after admitting allowing Anthony Keating, who was later convicted of Blaine Hammond's murder to hide at his Sunderland home while he was on the run from police in December 2021.

Defence lawyer Nicky Matteo said Gordon moved to Scotland to "bond" with his father and look for work after being freed from prison on licence.

Mr Matteo said: "Unfortunately, he got mixed up with the wrong peer group and was taking alcohol and valium on a daily basis. He was sofa surfing and sleeping on park benches. His life was a mess and he has no recollection of having a knife.

"He has been serving his 40-month sentence at HMP Northumberland, but it's his intention to get a move to a Scottish prison as he wants to make a life here on his release."

Sheriff Joseph Hughes jailed Gordon, who also admitted possessing a stolen wallet, for 21 months to run alongside his 40-month stretch.

Connor, 18, had been out in Sunderland city centre to celebrate a friend's birthday when he crossed paths with armed Barrass in an alleyway, during the early hours of February 24, 2019.

Newcastle Crown Court heard how Connor had tried to protect members of the public after Barrass, threatened to stab people with a Joker-style knife when trouble flared behind the Borough pub. Connor landed a pre-emptive punch to try to deal with the threat, but Barrass then stabbed him five times.

Barrass, then 20 and of Hartside Square, Sunderland, was convicted of murdering Connor and jailed for life with a minimum of 20 years.

Connor's parents Simon and Tanya set up the Connor Brown Trust in 2021 in a bid to prevent other families from suffering the way they have. They have since worked tirelessly to raise awareness of the dangers of carrying blades.